CANCELLED - BISA 2020 conference

Civic Centre

Civic Centre

Newcastle-upon-Tyne UK
    • 1
      Roundtable / Abolish/ Defend/ Repair – Action from the local to the international on a warming fascist planet. Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Chair: Lisa Tilley (Birkbeck University of London)
      Participants: Lisa Tilley (Birkbeck University of London) , John Narayan (KCL) , Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS) , Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary University of London) , Leon Sealey-Huggins (Warwick)
    • 2
      Roundtable / Author Meets Critics: Cloud Ethics Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Chair: Marieke de Goede (University of Amsterdam)
      Participants: Belcher Oliver (Durham University) , Marieke de Goede (University of Amsterdam) , Amoore Louise (Durham University) , Martin Coward (University of Manchester)
    • 4
      Roundtable / Decolonising Politics Curricula: Pedagogies, Strategies and Reflections Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Learning and Teaching Working Group
      Chair: Juvaria Jafri (City, University of London)
      Participants: John Morris (University of Warwick) , Neema Begum (University of Manchester) , Sahra Taylor (City, University of London) , Rima Saini (Middlesex University London ) , Nadine Zwiener-Collins
    • 5
      Panel / Europeanisation, nationalism and democracy in South East Europe Katie Adie
      Sponsor: South East Europe Working Group
      Convener: Daniela Lai (London South Bank)
      Chair: Lydia Cole (University of Durham)
      Discussant: Lydia Cole (University of Durham)
      • The Sounds of Silence: Ambiguity and the Referendum on (FYRO)/(North) Macedonia
        Author: Liridona Veliu
      • Authoritarianism and the AKP: news media freedom in Turkey
        Author: Natalie Martin (University of Nottingham)
      • From First and Other to a Hybrid Serbia: How the European Integration Process has Reshaped the Nationalist Politics in Serbia.
        Author: Koen Slootmaeckers (City, University of London)
      • Fair or foul? Attitudes towards loyalty, charity, and impartiality amongst Serbian judges
        Authors: Fagan Adam (King's College London)* , Indraneel Sircar (London School of Economics and Political Science) , Vanja Savic (King's College London)
      • To what extent has Europeanisation changed the political culture of corruption in Bulgaria?
        Author: Teodora Stoyanova (Durham University)
    • 6
      Panel / Explorations at the Intersection of the Official Record, the Rule of Law, National Security and Democracy Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Convener: Peter Finn (Kingston University, London)
      Chair: Charlotte Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick)
      • The Official Record, the Rule of Law, National Security and Democracy
        Author: Peter Finn (Kingston University, London)
      • The end of presumed innocence? What government ‘radicalization prevention’ film tells us about the law
        Author: Tom Pettinger (University of Warwick)
      • Targeted Killing: The Constitutionality of Killing American Citizens
        Author: Christine Sixta Rinehart (University of South Carolina Union)
      • ‘The Scarlet A of American politics’: assassination, the official record, and US foreign policy
        Author: Luca Trenta (Swansea University )
      • Leaks in the Official Record: WikiLeaks, Cablegate, and IR Research
        Author: Rubrick Biegon (University of Kent)
    • 7
      Panel / Hegel, Hegelianism and Ethics in International Relations: Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics Working Group
      Conveners: David J. Karp (University of Sussex) , Seán Molloy (University of Kent)
      Chair: Susan Murphy (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 'The Responsibility to 'Respect' Human Rights: Rethinking Virtue Ethics and the Self/Other Relationship.’
        Author: David J. Karp (University of Sussex)
      • ‘Absolute Freedom and Terror’: Notes Neoliberalism’s Globalised Authoritarian Legacy'
        Author: Tarik Kochi (University of Sussex)
      • , ‘G.W.F. Hegel, E.H. Carr and the Development of Realist Ethics.’
        Author: Seán Molloy (University of Kent)
      • ‘Precarity and ‘Hegelian’ Recognition.’
        Author: Ritu Vij (University of Aberdeen)
      • Hegel, Schmitt, and International Studies: Understanding State and Society of the Future through the Philosophical Pasts of Continental Thought.'
        Author: Zoi Vardanika (University of Reading)
    • 8
      Panel / Inclusion and Exclusion in Global Health Carilol
      Sponsor: Global Health Working Group
      Convener: Eva Hilberg
      Chair: Adele Langlois (University of Lincoln)
      Discussant: Adele Langlois (University of Lincoln)
      • Molecular Sovereignties – Patients, genomes, and the enduring biocoloniality of intellectual property
        Author: Eva Hilberg
      • The Everyday Politics of Mental Health in International Relations
        Author: Jana-Maria Fey (University of Sheffield)
      • Water security and gender based violence: health for all by 2030?
        Authors: Susan J Elliott (University of Waterloo) , Katrina Plamondon (University of British Columbia )*
    • 9
      Panel / Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Philipp Schulz (University of Bremen)
      Chair: Heleen Touquet (University of Antwerp)
      Discussant: Brandon Hamber (Ulster University)
      • Military masculinities as points of identification in the digital public sphere: challenges for transitional justice
        Author: Catherine Baker (University of Hull)
      • Delineating Perpetratorhood: On race, masculinities and fighting impunity for sexual violence in DRC
        Author: Chloé Lewis (Oxford University)
      • Perspectives on Justice by Syrian LGBTI Persons in the Midst of Violent Conflict and Displacement
        Authors: Henri Myrttinen (Mosaic Beirut) , Charbel Maydaa (Mosaic)*
      • Butterflies for Democracy: An intersection of queer emancipation and democratization in post-war Sri Lanka
        Author: Waradas Thiyagaraja (University of Colombo & University of Bath)
    • 10
      Panel / Mobilities, Subjectivities, and Technologies Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Convener: PPWG Working group
      Chair: Patrick Hughes (Queen's University Belfast)
        Authors: Matt Davies (Newcastle University) , Delacey Tedesco (University of Exeter)
      • Temporalities of Home: Migration and Political Subjectivity
        Author: Maja Zehfuss (The University of Manchester)
      • Taking the Road to Paradise: Aesthetic Infrastructures and Economies of Circulation in Northeast Brazil
        Author: Harriet Cansino (Newcastle University)
    • 11
      Panel / Narratives, struggles and violence in Africa: perception, ritual, practice and memorialisation Swan Room
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Convener: Laura Routley (Newcastle)
      Chair: Laura Routley (Newcastle)
      • Linking the mine and the museum: governed urban peripheries in South Africa’s migrant labour system
        Author: Stefanie Kappler (Durham University)
      • Mourning for Empire: Transnational security professionals in postcolonial East Africa
        Author: Jethro Norman (University of Leeds)
      • The humanitarian witness? Reading memoir as testimony in Sudan and South Sudan
        Author: Róisín Read (University of Manchester)
      • Terrorist recruitment and climate change in the Lake Chad region
        Author: Caroline Varin
      • Rethinking successful Deradicalisation and Reintegration: A qualitative study of Christian and Muslim perceptions of Boko Haram in Nigeria
        Author: Tarela Ike (Teesside University)
    • 12
      Panel / Power and Order in International History Bewick Room
      Sponsor: British International History Working Group
      Convener: Patrick Finney (Aberystwyth University)
      Chair: Patrick Finney (Aberystwyth University)
      • A Pacifist Critique of the Red Poppy: contesting the increasingly hegemonic militarism of mundane British civil religion
        Author: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (Loughborough University)
      • History as a Feature of Language in the Articulation of Global Britain
        Author: Mark Ølholm Eaton (Aarhus University)
      • Beyond American Exceptionalism? Past, Present and Future
        Author: Yu Cheng Teng (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)
      • Why states commit resiliently to international cooperation with other states with which they are in conflict: a neo-Durkheimian institutional explanation
        Authors: Perri 6 (Queen Mary University of London) , Eva Heims (University of York)*
      • How did international economic regulation survive the last period of deglobalisation?
        Authors: Perri 6 (Queen Mary University of London) , Eva Heims (University of York)* , Martha Prevezer (School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London)*
    • 13
      Panel / War care: Infrastructures of bodily destruction and regenesis History Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Conveners: Craig Jones (Newcastle University ) , Nisha Shah (University of Ottawa)
      Chair: Catherine Chiniara Charrett (University of Westminster)
      • War wounds, slow violence and access to healthcare in the Middle East
        Author: Craig Jones (Newcastle University )
      • Mapping Iraqis' Cancer Journeys During the ISIS Period: Spatial, Social, and Environmental Dimensions
        Author: Mac Skelton (The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani)
      • Traumatic Posthumanity: Managing TBI
        Author: Lena Moore (University of Cambridge)
      • Optimal design: Wound Ballistics and the Ethical Disposition of War
        Author: Nisha Shah (University of Ottawa)
      • Disarming Masculinity: Fantasies of Biomedical Control in Feminist Thought
        Author: Paul Kirby (Centre of Women, Peace and Security, London School of Economics)
    • 14
      Panel / War, emotion and foreign policy Parsons Room
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: EPIR Working group
      Chair: Anupama Ranawana (Oxford Brookes University/University of Roehampton)
      • Blurring the Boundaries of War: PTSD, Psychosocial Governance and Conceptual Innovation in American Foreign Policy Discourse
        Author: Adam Lerner (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • Rational Trust in Bayesian Realist Approach: The Case of Iranian Nuclear Deal
        Author: SELMA IMAMOGLU (Durham University)
      • Tragedy, Pride and Respect: How the Gallipoli Campaign Has Shaped Turkish Emotions toward the UK
        Author: Yaprak Gursoy (Aston University)
      • The role of emotions during the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt in light of repertoires
        Author: Efser Rana Coskun
      • Anger, Fear, and (Un)Certainty: Exploring the Cognitive Consequences of Emotions in Decision Making
        Author: Manali Kumar (National University of Singapore)
    • 15
      Panel / Water Security Across Scales: Intersections of the International Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Environment Working Group
      Conveners: Jeremy Schmidt (Durham University) , Ashok Swain (Uppsala University) , Cameron Harrington (Durham University)
      Chair: Cameron Harrington (Durham University)
      Discussant: Cat Button (Newcastle University)
      • Water diplomacy between desecuritisation and securitisation of water
        Author: Naho Mirumachi (Kings College London)
      • Water security, race, and ethnicity: a systematic assessment of the literature
        Authors: Jeremy Schmidt (Durham University) , Cameron Harrington (Durham University)* , Ashok Swain (Uppsala University)* , Thuli Montana (Durham University)*
      • Combatting Water Insecurities as the Best Path towards Water Security
        Author: Chad Staddon (UWE Bristol)
      • Transboundary Water Governance and Imperial Legacies: Cooperation on the Nile and Mekong Rivers
        Author: Joanne Yao (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 16
      Panel / Architecture and Politics in Africa: making, living and imagining identities through buildings - panel 1 Parsons Room
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Conveners: Julia Gallagher (SOAS, University of London) , Daniel Mulugeta (SOAS, University of London) , Joanne Tomkinson (SOAS, University of London)
      Chair: Joanne Tomkinson (SOAS, University of London)
      • Building Statehood in Côte d’Ivoire
        Author: Julia Gallagher (SOAS, University of London)
      • The Architecture of State Education: Ideology and Citizenship in West African Secondary Schools (1945 to 1965)
        Author: Kuukuwa Manful (SOAS, University of London)
      • University of Juba: a case study of ideology, identity, peace and nation-making in 1970s Sudan
        Author: Awut Atak (University of Kingston)
      • The politics and aesthetics of pan-African identity: the African Union and architectural representation
        Author: Daniel Mulugeta (SOAS, University of London)
      • Monuments of Fragmented Truths: Architecture’s Complicit Nature
        Author: Yusuf Patel (University of Johannesburg)
    • 17
      Panel / Challenging international legal norms and institutions Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Convener: Andrea Birdsall (University of Edinburgh)
      Chair: Andrea Birdsall (University of Edinburgh)
      • The International Criminal Court, Preliminary Examinations and the Security Council: Kill or Cure?
        Authors: Rachel Kerr (King's College London) , Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London)
      • Forgive Us (Not) Our Transgressions: America First and the Human Rights Regime
        Author: Kurt Mills (University of Dundee)
      • Torture in Spanish and British counterterrorism: from ‘reverse shaming’ to narrative contestation
        Author: Frank Foley (King's College London)
      • The War on International Courts: Narratives of Delegitimation, Counter-Shame, and the Politics of Noncompliance
        Author: Victor Peskin (Arizona State University)
      • Evolving Role of the United Nations in International Norm-Making: Abolition of Torture
        Author: Heena Makhija
    • 18
      Roundtable / Future Challenges for International Political Economy Katie Adie
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Chair: Matt Davies (Newcastle University)
      Participants: Juanita Elias (University of Warwick) , Lena Rethel (University of Warwick) , Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Warwick) , Juvaria Jafri (City, University of London) , Matt Davies (Newcastle University)
    • 19
      Panel / Gender Approaches to International Politics: From the Micro to the Macro History Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      • The Struggle for Child Custody in Chechnya: NGO efforts across the local and the global to improve women’s rights
        Author: Katie Mitchell (Queen's University Belfast )
      • Responsibility to protect and Women in Armed Conflict
        Author: Niamkoi Lam Niamkoi (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Bodies, Boarders and Babies: Reproductive travel for egg freezing among China’s single women
        Authors: Kailing Xie (University of Warwick) , Alison Lamont (University of Roehampton)
    • 20
      Panel / Gender(ed) Knowledge through Art Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
      Chair: Kathryn Starnes (Manchester Metropolitan University)
      • The Arab Apocalypse: A Queer Feminist Critique of Masculinized Politics and Disaster
        Author: Andrew Delatolla (The American University in Cairo)
      • Superheroes, Masculinity, and Identity Crises: What do Ironman and Captain America Tell Us About US Foreign Policy Today?
        Author: Benjamin Coulson
      • Why we fight: the connection between revenge politics and hypermasculinity in US post 9/11 cinema.
        Author: Anna Kotvalová (Charles University)
      • ‘To those who choose to follow in our footsteps’: gender equality, feminism and war-making in artistic reimagining of soldiering
        Authors: Emma Dolan (University of Aberdeen) , Nataliya Danilova (University of Aberdeen)*
    • 21
      Panel / Innovation in Learning and Teaching: Theory and Practice Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Learning and Teaching Working Group
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Ross Bellaby (University of Sheffield)
      • Educating the military: using order templates to help students within the military succeed in academic study
        Author: Patrick Finnegan (University of St Andrews)
      • Rethinking teaching and the factors that impedes students’ engagement in the international studies discipline: A pedagogically oriented action research
        Author: Tarela Juliet Ike (Teesside University )
      • Continuing Professional Development, Chinese Government Officials and British Higher Education
        Author: Carolijn van Noort (University of the West of Scotland)
      • The Impact of ICT on Learners’ Motivation in Foreign Language Learning
        Author: Naveen Kumar Ranjan (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 22
      Panel / Interpretivist approaches to IR theory Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group
      Convener: IIRG Working group
      Chair: Xymena Kurowska
      Discussant: Hannes Hansen-Magnusson (Cardiff University)
      • Tracing Process Tracing in Securitization
        Author: Chester Yacub (University of Nottingham)
      • Short-term Time Perspectives - Unpacking their Ubiquity and Dominance in Theories of International Politics
        Author: Christopher Wheeler (Newcastle University)
      • What Can Philosophy as a Way of Life Contribute to International Studies?
        Author: Michael Barr (Newcastle University)
      • The Logic of Prudence
        Author: Manali Kumar (National University of Singapore)
    • 23
      Panel / Perspectives of Security Threats Dobson Room
      Sponsor: European Security Working Group
      Conveners: Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University) , Arantza Gomez Arana (Birmingham City University) , Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University)
      Chair: Simon Sweeney (University of York)
      • Understanding Polish defence policy in a time of uncertainty: critical juncture or business as usual?
        Author: Laura Chappell
      • EU and US approaches to police reform in Ukraine: Complementary Local Ownership?
        Author: An Jacobs (Nottingham Trent University)
      • European Security: A Historical Institutionalist Perspective
        Author: Andrew Cottey (University College Cork)
      • Diverging horizons?: How citizens tell stories about foreign policy differently in Ukraine to the Baltic states
        Authors: Alister Miskimmon (Queen's University Belfast) , Ben O'Loughlin (Royal Holloway)
      • EU Energy Securitisation: Putin Didn't Start It
        Author: Andrew Judge (University of Glasgow)
    • 24
      Panel / Refusing Redemption: Failure, Endurance and Persistence Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Convener: Maria-Adriana Deiana (Queen’s University Belfast)
      Chair: Katarina Kušić (Aberystwyth University)
      Discussant: Julia Welland (University of Warwick)
      • Exposure to extinction, irredeemable vulnerability and dwelling in the aftermath: the resolute anthropocentrism of anthropocene fictions
        Author: Martin Coward (University of Manchester )
      • From Urgency to Endurance: Contesting Failure’s maniacal pedagogy
        Author: Debbie Lisle (Queen's University Belfast )
      • Nationalism, Exhaustion and the affective politics of listening
        Author: Angharad Closs-Stephens (Swansea University )
      • Failure as art? Queer (im)possibilities and the limits of peace and security
        Author: Maria Adriana Deiana (Queen’s University Belfast)
    • 25
      Panel / Reprising the Relationship between War and Technology Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: Alex Neads (University of Bath)
      Chair: Alex Neads (University of Bath)
      Discussant: Brett Edwards (University of Bath)
      • Time Keeps on Ticking: Land Warfare and Martial Expediency Through and Beyond the OODA Loop
        Author: David Galbreath (University of Bath)
      • Hackers, Hawks and Hawkers: Subcultures of Cyber Warfare
        Author: Joe Burton (University Libre de Bruxelles)
      • On Lethality and the Conduct of War in the 21st Century
        Author: Matthew Ford (University of Sussex)
      • Global Drone Diffusion: Legal and Strategic Consequences
        Authors: James Rogers (SDU) , Amelie Theussen (University of Southern Denmark)
      • Automation, Technology, and the Drivers of Strategic Innovation in Warfare
        Author: Andree-Anne (Andy) Melancon (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)
    • 26
      Panel / Shaping IR according to our values: a disciplinary asymetrical fantasy? Bewick Room
      Sponsor: International Relations as a Social Science Working Group
      Convener: IRSS Working group
      Chair: Alexander Hoseason (Aston University)
      • Studying AI in IR: standard trope or expanding intellectual horizons?
        Author: Yee-Kuang Heng (University of Tokyo)
      • Epistemic Hierarchies and Asymmetrical Dialogues in Global International Relations: The Case of Turkish IR Academia
        Authors: Eyup Ersoy (Ahi Evran University) , Gonca Biltekin (Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research)*
      • The Cult of Policy Relevance: For a More IR-reverent Discipline
        Authors: Andy Hom (University of Edinburgh) , Brent J. Steele (University of Utah)
      • Fears of Theoretical Hegemony, Paradigm Wars, and the End of Pluralism: How We Became What We Study
        Author: Thomas Walker (GVSU)
      • Towards Heterotopian Thinking in International Relations Theory
        Author: Ahlem Faraoun (University of Sussex)
    • 27
      Panel / Stability and power in interventions Carilol
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      Chair: david curran (Coventry University)
      • Beyond the Democratic Peace? UN Intervention in the Era of Stabilization
        Author: Jennifer Russi
      • Non-partisanship and networked INGO power in the global governance of post-war states
        Author: Andrea Warnecke (Aberystwyth University)
      • Decolonising Security Sector Reform in Post-Conflict Countries in the Global South
        Author: Nadine Ansorg (University of Kent)
      • Disengagement from active paramilitary groups: Evidence from Ukraine
        Author: Huseyn Aliyev (University of Glasgow)
      • The rule of law in UN stabilization missions
        Author: Alexander Gilder (Royal Holloway, University of London)
    • 28
      Panel / Technology in IR Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Convener: CRIPT Working group
      Chair: Christof Royer (University of St Andrews )
      • The concept of silence in international political theory
        Author: Sophia Dingli (University of Glasgow)
      • A theoretical understanding of artificial intelligence and the future of international politics
        Author: Raju Verma
      • The Politics of Lost Objects: Iconoclasm and Digital Restoration of Cultural Artefacts in Syria and Iraq
        Author: Belcher Oliver (Durham University)
      • Technology, the speech act: a securitisation theory approach to software design in Apple iPhone encryption
        Author: Vic Castro (Inalco (French National Institute for Eastern Languages and Civilisations))
      • The Anthropocene and Relational Thinking: Hannah Arendt and the Drone in the Age of Precarities
        Author: Toni Cerkez (Aberystwyth University)
    • 29
      Roundtable / The politics of comparison and relationality: colonial grammars, knowledge production & counter-politics - Part II Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Chair: Rhys Machold (University of Glasgow)
      Participants: Elian Weizman (London South Bank University) , Ananya Sharma (ASHOKA UNIVERSITY) , Kelly-Jo Bluen (London School of Economics) , Sharri Plonski (Queen Mary University of London) , Christopher Murray (London School of Economics and Political Science) , Katharine Hall (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 30
      Panel / Visuality and Emotions in International Politics Swan Room
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Amya Agarwal (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg) , Christine Unrau (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen)
      Chair: Henri Myrttinen (Mosaic Beirut)
      Discussant: Chiara de Franco (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      • Visual representations of Gender and Emotions in Conflict and Resistance
        Author: Amya Agarwal (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen)
      • Dressed for Power. Female Leaders, Fashion, and the Performativity of the Emotional
        Author: Katja Freistein (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen )
      • Seeing ‘bodies in pain’: images, emotions and the health-security nexus
        Author: Katharina Krause (Institut for Political Science, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
      • Crafting Compassion? Flight and Migration in Documentary Films
        Author: Christine Unrau (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen)
    • 2:30 PM
      Coffee and Tea Break
    • 31
      Panel / (Re)Production of Gendered Violence and Resistance Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
      Chair: Annick Wibben (Swedish Defence University)
      • “Disrupting peace at home”? Narrating relationships between sexual violence perpetrated by armed men and domestic violence in (post-)conflict settings.
        Authors: Harriet Gray (University of York) , Chris Dolan (Refugee Law Project, Makarere University)*
      • YouTube and Everyday Militarism? Gender, emotions and world politics
        Authors: Nick Robinson (University of Leeds) , Henna Tammi (University of Leeds)
      • Making sense of Gender and Peace Building Reconstruction by United Nations Development Programme in Afghanistan
        Author: Niamkoi Lam Niamkoi (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Placing Women in World Politics: Examining through Representation in War Memorials in Global South
        Author: Rittuporna Chatterjee
      • Gendered Remembrances: A Comparative study of Nada by Carmen Laforet and Sunlight on a Broken Column by Attia Hosain
        Author: Chandni Kumari (Jawaharlal Nehru Univesrity)
    • 32
      Roundtable / Art and Activism: Seeing, making, doing politics through art in peace and conflict Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Chair: Róisín Read (University of Manchester)
      Participants: Christine Andrä (Aberystwyth University) , Lydia Cole (University of Durham) , Bathsheba Okwenje (Artists and fellow at FLCA, LSE. ) , Henry Redwood (Department of War Studies, King's College London)
    • 33
      Panel / BISA Professional Development Session I History Room
      Sponsor: BISA
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
    • 34
      Roundtable / Becoming Fugitives - Collaborating towards anti-colonial/decolonial praxis in academic spaces Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Chair: Olivia Rutazibwa (University of Portsmouth )
      Participants: Chris Rossdale (University of Bristol) , Sabrien Amrov (University of Toronto) , Lisa Tilley (Birkbeck University of London) , Sharri Plonski (Queen Mary University of London) , Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 35
      Panel / Chinese Hard and Soft Power in the 21st Century Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and China in the Xi Jinping Era
        Author: Chien-peng (C.P.) Chung (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
      • China’s Buddhist Diplomacy
        Author: Chien-peng (C.P.) Chung (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
      • China’s approaches to soft power toward Japan and Russia: manifestations of the Chinese Dream in contemporary practices of media exchange
        Author: Lingmin Kong (University of York)
      • The Globalisation of the Belt and Road Initiative: Inquiring for Institutional Change in Latin American International Society
        Author: Simon F Taeuber (University of St Andrews)
      • India-China Competition in Indian Ocean: Generative and Degenerative Forces
        Author: Bhupendra Kumar (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 36
      Panel / Communicating the climate change: Narratives, images and affective imagination Swan Room
      Sponsor: Environment Working Group
      Convener: Alister Miskimmon (Queen's University Belfast)
      Chair: Alister Miskimmon (Queen's University Belfast)
      Discussant: Alister Miskimmon (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Climate anxiety and youth: Powerful emotions in strategic narrative theorisation
        Authors: Natalia Chaban (University of Canterbury) , Babak Bahador (George Washington University)* , Pauline Heinrichs (Royal Holloway)* , Iana Sabatovych (University of Canterbury, NZ)*
      • Climate Change Perspectives of Entanglement and Objectivity: Images, Algorithms and Audiences on YouTube
        Authors: Ben O'Loughlin (Royal Holloway, University of London) , Alister Miskimmon (Queen's University Belfast)* , Anastasiya Pschenychnykh (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University)*
      • Coverups, conspiracies and the exploitation of frightened teens: RT´s narratives about Youth Strike for Climate
        Author: Mari-Liis Madisson (Tartu University)
    • 37
      Panel / Comprehensive Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development on the Korean Peninsula Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Asian Political and International Studies Association
      Convener: Howe Brendan (Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies)
      Chair: Howe Brendan (Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies)
      • Preparing for Sustainable Development on the Korean Peninsula: Utilizing the UN System for Development Cooperation in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
        Author: Kim Eun Mee (Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies)
      • Health Security Challenges in the Korean Peninsula in the Era of SDGs
        Author: Bang Yoorim (Ewha Womans University)
      • Limitations on North Korean refugee policy in South Korea – based on Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the qualifications in Higher Education
        Author: Lee Eunkoo (Ewha Womans University,)
      • Refugee Policy in South Korea: From the perspectives of human security and sustainable development
        Author: Lee Heeseo (Ewha Womans University)
      • The Social Construction of Peace on the Korean Peninsula
        Author: Howe Brendan (Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies)
    • 38
      Roundtable / Forced Migration in Theory and Practice Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics Working Group
      Chair: Kelly Staples (University of Leicester)
      Participants: FOTEINI KALANTZI (University of Oxford) , Liz Hibberd (Manchester City of Sanctuary ) , Helen Dexter (University of Leicester) , Aleks Palanac (University of Leicester) , Jonathan Gilmore (University of Manchester) , Tendayi Bloom (University of Birmingham)
    • 39
      Panel / Health prioritisation in national and international institutions Carilol
      Sponsor: Global Health Working Group
      Convener: Adele Langlois (University of Lincoln)
      Chair: Stephen Roberts (LSE)
      Discussant: Eva Hilberg
      • Regulatory Bottlenecks in Global Health
        Author: Adele Langlois (University of Lincoln)
      • Brazilian Foreign and Health Ministries: different institutional cultures in the search for global health
        Authors: Leticia Pinheiro (IESP-UERJ) , Livia Avelhan (FGV-SP)
      • Mainstreaming Health in the European Semester? A Case of Constitutional and Discursive Asymmetries
        Author: Charlotte Godziewski (University of Sheffield)
    • 40
      Panel / Making and Unmaking International Law Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Convener: Andrea Birdsall (University of Edinburgh)
      Chair: Henry Lovat (University of Glasgow)
      • Collaborative Conversations - (How) Can International Law and International Relations Theory help each other?
        Author: Alexandra Bohm (University of Lincoln)
      • Taboo: Explaining the Legal Principles and Norms Behind Weapon Prohibitions
        Author: Carmen Chas (University of Kent)
      • Order through Law through Order in Law – Pasts, Presents and Futures of Interdisciplinary Scholarship in International Law and International Relations
        Authors: Sué González Hauck , Sebastian Plappert (University of St. Gallen)
      • Intersectionality in International Human Rights Governance
        Author: Anne Jenichen (Aston University)
      • Towards a Transnational Theory of Universal Jurisdiction
        Author: Yuna Han
    • 41
      Panel / Militarism and emotion: feeling with and feeling for figures of war Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Naomi Head (University of Glasgow)
      Chair: Naomi Head (University of Glasgow)
      • Strange Meetings: Feeling for/with the Enemy in the Long Nineteenth Century
        Author: Holly Furneaux (Cardiff University)
      • Feeling what for whom? COIN and the politics of empathy in Iraq and Afghanistan
        Author: Naomi Head
      • Honour, Emotion and Empathy in the War-On-Terror, a Cross-cultural Perspective.
        Author: Marcello Fantoni (University of Kent)
      • Feeling Militarism and Affected Bodies
        Author: Julia Welland (University of Warwick)
      • The code in the stones face fade: black bodies and Palestinian equipment in war
        Author: Catherine Chiniara Charrett (University of Westminster)
    • 42
      Panel / New Syngergies in IR Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Convener: CRIPT Working group
      Chair: Christof Royer (University of St Andrews )
      • Studying the Role of Justice in International Trade Negotiations: Feminist-Informed Ethnographic Insights
      • Truth, History, and Radical Conservatism: Historical Revisionism in Post-War Japan
        Author: Karin Narita (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Non-Western powers and right-wing populism: fellow travellers in international politics?
        Author: Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow)
      • An Anarcho-Pacifist Theory of International Relations
        Author: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (Loughborough University)
    • 43
      Panel / Political mobilisation, hegemony and new democratic politics in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Asia: inequality and the crisis of liberalism Parsons Room
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Jessica Northey (Coventry University)
      Chair: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      • The crisis of political representation in an illiberal populism and majoritarian democracy of Turkey
        Author: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      • Hindu nationalism and the crisis of India’s liberal democracy: nationalism, antagonism and political frontiers
        Author: Dag Erik Berg (Molde University College)
      • The Algerian Hirak – Civil Society, Non-violence and the New Movement for Democracy
        Author: Jessica Northey (Coventry University)
      • Urban Political Mobilisation and Activating the Urban Public Space in Amman for a Just City
        Author: Rana Aytug (Coventry University)
    • 44
      Roundtable / Security in an ice-free Arctic: interdisciplinary perspectives on Arctic geopolitics Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Chair: Duncan Depledge (Loughborough University)
      Participants: Caroline Kennedy-Pipe (Loughborough University) , James Rogers (SDU) , Klaus Dodds (Royal Holloway, University of London) , Ingrid Medby (Oxford Brookes University)
    • 45
      Panel / Translation and narratives in international politics Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group
      Convener: IIRG Working group
      Chair: Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Edinburgh)
      Discussant: Hannes Hansen-Magnusson (Cardiff University)
      • Conspiracy Theories, Right-Wing Populism and Foreign Policy: The Case of the Alternative for Germany
        Author: Thorsten Wojczewski
      • Provincializing the affect of liberalism: stories of local border guards
        Author: Xymena Kurowska
      • It’s not just Orwell: literature as interpretive methodology in International Relations
        Author: Mary Dodd (University of St Andrews)
      • ‘Are words not seeming bridges between the eternally different?’: Language, Poiesis and the Mercenary
        Author: Malte Riemann (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)
    • 4:30 PM
      Coffee and Tea Break
    • 46
      Panel / American Militarization and Intervention: Strategies and Tactics in the 21st Century Katie Adie
      Sponsor: US Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Ben Kienzle
      • US policy towards Venezuela under Obama and Trump: a critical approach
        Author: Livingstone Grace (University of Cambridge)
      • Conflict in the Virtual Battleground: Military Videogames and US Foreign Policy
        Author: Nick Robinson (University of Leeds)
      • Israel and US alignment towards the Israeli Military Industry: Implications and Challenges
        Author: Vijay Gothwal (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • The Logic of U.S. Humanitarian Intervention Policy - A Two-Level Game
        Author: Josef Harrasser (University of Innsbruck)
    • 47
      Panel / Britain’s China-Factor: Sino-British Relations and the Economic-Security Interests Conundrum Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Convener: Zeno Leoni (King's College London)
      Chair: Zeno Leoni (King's College London)
      Discussant: Majed Akhter (King's College London)
      • British engagement with China in the age of capitalisation
        Author: Martin Thorley (University of Nottingham)
      • The reasons behind the securitisation of Chinese FDI in UK
        Author: Francesca Ghiretti (King's College London)
      • Between trade and geopolitics: Britain’s post-Brexit strategy towards China
        Author: Zeno Leoni (King's College London)
      • Britain at the Confluence of Clashing Visions for the Future
        Author: Axel Dessein (King's College London)
    • 48
      Panel / Changing the dynamics of conflict in the Middle East Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Jessica Northey (Coventry University)
      Chair: Jessica Northey (Coventry University)
      Discussant: Rana Aytug (Coventry University)
      • Sport and Politics. The case of Israel/Palestine
        Author: Francesco Belcastro (University of Derby)
      • Judeo-Christian civilizationism: a new challenge to common European policy in the Israeli-Palestinian arena
        Author: Toby Greene (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Resistance, Cogitation, and Perseverance: Women in Palestine and Their Take on Challenging the Occupation
        Author: Meredith Howe (University of New Hampshire Manchester)
    • 49
      Roundtable / Curating Conflict: Political violence in Museums, Memorials, and Exhibitions History Room
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Chair: Shannon Brincat (University of the Sunshine Coast)
      Participants: Natasha Danilova (University of Aberdeen) , Charlotte Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick) , Audrey Reeves (Virginia Tech) , Christine Sylvester (University of Connecticut) , Kandida Purnell (Richmond University, London) , Henrique Furtado (University of West England (UWE))
    • 50
      Panel / Emerging from conflict, building peace: exploring micro and macro approaches to peace in Africa Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Convener: Laura Routley (Newcastle)
      Chair: Róisín Read (University of Manchester)
      • The Boko Haram Crisis and the Menacing Tactic of Kidnapping
        Author: Rauf Tunde Sakariyau (Nigeria Police Academy)
      • Micro-peace agreements in contexts of violence: the road to a more sustainable peacebuilding in Mozambique?
        Authors: Ricardo Raboco (University of Licungo) , Teresa Almeida Cravo (FEUC-CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
      • From Liberal to Military Peace: The Rise of a New Paradigm for Peacebuilding
        Author: Marta Iñiguez de Heredia (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
      • What determines Trust in Post-Conflict Police? Evidence from Latin American and African countries
        Authors: Nadine Ansorg (University of Kent) , Ana Maria Lobos (University of Kent )*
      • The Effect of Regional Integration on Lasting Peace in the Horn of Africa
        Author: Aweis Ahmed Mohamed (Ankara yildirim beyazit university)
        Author: Collins Miruka (Catholic University of Eastern Africa)
    • 51
      Panel / Feminism and Foreign Policy Thinking and Practice Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
      Chair: Sorana Jude
      • Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy goes to the UNSC
        Author: Annick T.R. Wibben (Swedish Defence University)
      • From the Fields of Resistance: Does Foreign Policy IR care?
        Author: Khushi Singh Rathore (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Shamima Begum and (un)saveable Muslim Women: Islamophobia, Misogyny and Hyper-sexualisation in UK Counterterror Discourse and Practice
        Author: Rahima Siddique
    • 52
      Panel / Glory/Trauma: Affective Investments in the National Past Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Francesca Melhuish (University of Warwick) , Katie Dingley (University of Warwick)
      Chair: Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Warwick)
      • ‘Poppy War’: Military-masculine hierarchies, ontological insecurity and vicarious identification during the 2016 FIFA Poppy controversy
        Author: Joe Haigh (University of Warwick)
      • The Empire Strikes Back: Securing Ontological Security for ‘British Muslims’ in Post 7/7 Britain
        Author: Shahnaz Akhter (University of Warwick)
      • The End of Japan as They Know It (and the Conservatives Don't Feel Fine)
        Author: Katie Dingley (University of Warwick)
      • Critical States: Banal Nostalgia, Eurosceptic Britishness, and the NHS
        Author: Francesca Melhuish (University of Warwick)
      • Affective Entanglements: Towards a Typology of Women, Peace and Security Advocacy
        Author: Columba Achilleos-Sarll (University of Warwick)
    • 53
      Panel / Grand Questions in Contemporary IR Theory: Legitimation, Order, and Recognition Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      • Legitimation as non-state practice: multiplicity, mobility and making in Africa
        Authors: Kathy Dodworth (University of Edinburgh) , Jana Honke (University of Bayreuth)*
      • Whose Recognition Counts? A State-in-Society Approach to International Status
        Authors: Ce Liang (University of Cambridge) , Andrew Li (Central European University )*
      • Towards a New Westphalia? Disbelief, Miscalculation and Power Shifts in an Age of Liberal Crisis
        Author: Kevork Oskanian (University of Birmingham)
      • No Engagement without Recognition? Forms, Causal Mechanisms and Dilemmas of Transnational Recognition in the Libyan Civil War
        Author: Irene Fernandez-Molina (University of Exeter)
    • 54
      Panel / How to rethink traditional topics? gathering methods and strategies Swan Room
      Sponsor: International Relations as a Social Science Working Group
      Convener: IRSS Working group
      Chair: Alexander Stoffel (Queen Mary University of London)
      Discussant: Audrey Alejandro (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Strategies to decolonise global norms research: A political ethnography approach
        Author: Karmen Tornius (Roskilde University / Danish Institute for International Studies)
      • ‘Doing Sovereignty’: Minority Nationalisms and the Struggle for Political Hegemony
        Author: Daniela Morgan (Newcastle University)
      • Studying Problematizations: Introducing Carol Bacchi’s ´What´s the problem represented to be?´ approach to IR
        Author: Malte Riemann (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)
      • Modernity without an “Other”: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Emirati Paradox
        Authors: Bernardino Leon Reyes (Sciences Po) , Javier Carbonell (University of Edinburgh)
    • 55
      Panel / New Norms and Practices of Civilian Protection Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group
      Convener: IR2P Working group
      Chair: Pinar Gozen Ercan (Hacettepe University)
      Discussant: Alex Leveringhaus (University of Surrey)
      • Gendered vulnerability and knowledge in UN interventions
        Author: Shannon Mathieu (University of Warwick)
      • Ethical considerations among the international society against mass atrocity crimes
        Author: Aslihan Turan Zara (University of Birmingham)
      • A Corporate Responsibility to Protect?
        Author: Bola Adediran (University of the West of England)
      • Zonation in International Conflict Management
        Author: Gustav Meibauer (London School of Economics)
    • 56
      Panel / Once More into the Breach: Reading, Writing, and Performing War Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics Working Group
      Convener: Cian O'Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
      Chair: Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow)
      Discussant: Rachel Woodward (Newcastle University)
      • Civil society perceptions of NATO in the context of Women, Peace and Security
        Author: Katharine A.M. Wright (Newcastle University)
      • From Subjects to Objects: Honor Flights and US ontological insecurity
        Author: Brent J. Steele (University of Utah)
      • Writing Writing just war(riors): war memoirs as a site of ethical reflection on war
        Author: Keith Smith (Kings College London)
      • Army/Artist Engagement and the Performance of War in Public: Army@Fringe and the Familialr/Familial Embodiment of the Military
        Authors: Kandida Purnell (Richmond, the American University in London) , Natasha Danilova (University of Aberdeen)* , Emma Dolan (University of Aberdeen)*
      • What a Joke! At War with Just War
        Authors: Cian O'Driscoll (Australia National University) , Liane Hartnett (University of Glasgow)*
    • 57
      Panel / Provincializing Social Sciences from SEE: Theories, approaches, and methods for the future Dobson Room
      Sponsor: South East Europe Working Group
      Convener: Katarina Kušić (Aberystwyth University)
      Chair: Lydia Cole (University of Durham)
      Discussant: Maria-Adriana Deiana (Queen’s University Belfast)
      • Scales of thinking: Decolonial methods and knowledge otherwise
        Author: Katarina Kušić (Aberystwyth University)
      • Reimagining comparisons in International Relations
        Authors: Lai Daniela (London South Bank University) , Roberto Roccu (King’s College London)*
      • Of Love and Frustration: Contradictions and Decoloniality in Knowledge Production and Cultivation by Post-Yugoslav Female Scholars
        Authors: Dženeta Karabegović (University of Salzburg)* , Sladjana Lazic (University of Tromso)* , Vjosa Musliu (University of Gent)* , Julija Sardelić (Victoria University of Wellington)* , Elena B. Stavrevska (London School of Economics and Political Science) , Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston University )
      • Towards a history of knowledge of international politics: institutions, practices, relations and exclusions of knowledge about war-time violence in the work of the “Balkan Commission” (ca. 1912-14)
        Author: Christine Andrä (Aberystwyth University)
    • 58
      Panel / The Future of Human Rights: New Challenges in a Changing World Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Convener: Lorenza Fontana (Newcastle University)
      Chair: Jean Grugel (University of York)
      • Making Universal Health Coverage work for Women’s Human Rights: the case of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Southern Africa
        Authors: Lilian Chigona (University of York) , Peg Murray-Evans (University of York)* , Jean Grugel (University of York)
      • Human rights-based accountability in health: leaving no one (and no rights) behind
        Author: Pia Riggirozzi (University of Southampton )
      • Digitising Violence: Cyberviolence as a Challenge to Human Rights
        Author: Dina Mansour-Ille (ODI)
      • Brexiting Human Rights Diplomacy in the "Post-Human Rights Era"? Exploring the Challenges, Opportunities and Potential Responses
        Authors: Sean Molloy (Newcastle University) , Rhona Smith (Newcastle University ) , Conall Mallory (Newcastle University )
      • Free Prior and Informed Consultation (FPIC): New Human Rights for Participatory Governance
        Author: Lorenza Fontana (Newcastle University)
    • 59
      Panel / The Revenge of Tocqueville. The resurgence of individual local politics and membership organising at the expense of apolitical and professional INGOs Carilol
      Sponsor: Non-Governmental Organisations Working Group
      Convener: Angela Crack
      Chair: Angela Crack
      Discussant: Angela Crack
      • Safeguarding foreign funded INGOs: a comparative case study of Hungary’s TOSA law and India’s FCRA law.
        Authors: Erla Thrandardottir (University of Manchester ) , Antal Berkes (University of Pretoria, South Africa )* , Susanna Mitra (Ramaiah Public Policy Centre, Bangalore, India )*
      • Aid Too: Sexual Exploitation, the NGO Sector and Accountability
        Authors: Dhanani Alpa (Cardiff University) , Nina Sharma (Cardiff University)*
      • Return of the amateurs? Grassroots aid in a world of professionals
        Author: Denis Kennedy (College of the Holy Cross)
      • Responsibility through authenticity. The outline of individual responsibility in international non-governmental organisations.
        Author: Marija Antanaviciute (Queen Mary University of London )
    • 60
      Roundtable / The politics of comparison and relationality: colonial grammars, knowledge production & counter-politics - PART I Parsons Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Chair: Sharri Plonski (Queen Mary University of London)
      Participants: James Eastwood (Queen Mary University of London) , Catherine Chiniara Charrett (University of Westminster) , Rhys Machold (University of Glasgow) , Sai Englert (University of Leiden) , Francine Rossone de Paula (Queens University Belfast) , Ida Roland Birkvad (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 7:00 PM
    • 61
      Panel / Ambitious Development and Development Ambitions: shifting goals and actors in African Development Carilol
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Convener: Laura Routley (Newcastle)
      Chair: Danielle Beswick (University of Birmingham)
      • From Food Insecurity to Diabetes? Disruption in Africa's Indigenous Food Systems and the Cost to Public Health Care
        Author: Martha Bridgman (South African Institute of International Affairs)
      • Double Down: The multiple disciplining of dissent in Tanzania
        Author: Kathy Dodworth (University of Edinburgh)
      • The role of critical consciousness in poverty reduction.
        Authors: Angela R. Pashayan (Howard University, PhD Program)* , Richard Seltzer (Howard University, Full Professor)
      • Reshaping development cooperation in a time of crisis
        Author: Nikolai Hegertun (University of Oslo)
      • Privatising democratisation: Development consultants as political actors in Zimbabwe
        Author: Farai Chipato (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 62
      Panel / BISA Professional Development II Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: BISA
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
    • 63
      Panel / Challenging Gendered Knowledge in IR’ Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
      Chair: Julia Welland (University of Warwick)
      • The Queer State in the Middle East: Using Queer Theory to Understand Post-Colonial Statehood
        Author: Andrew Delatolla (The American University in Cairo)
      • Opening up IR writing: politics and narrative, trauma and writing
        Author: Muriel Bruttin (University of Lausanne)
      • Absent Mothers: A folklorist reading of the racialised and sexualised writing out of women’s work in IR
        Author: Kathryn Starnes (Manchester Metropolitan University)
      • Can feminist International Relations (IR) research be reconciled with quantitative research methods?
        Author: Shruti Balaji (London School of Economics)
      • Transnational queer solidarity: Pleonasm or Paradox?
        Author: Alexander Stoffel (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 64
      Panel / Conceptual revisioning from the Global South Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Convener: CPD Working group
      Chair: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      • Before the and of the world: violence, counter-sovereignty, and the politics of language and translation
        Author: Roberto Yamato (PUC-Rio)
      • Speculative Writing with a Purpose: Re-Telling the Drone
        Author: Sabiha Allouche (University of Exeter)
      • ‘The Dictator or the Emperor?’ Syrian Intellectuals’ Protest Dilemma and the Aborted 2013 Western intervention
        Author: Adélie Chevée (SOAS)
      • Post-colonial political organisation beyond nation and state: Somali pluralism and the historic emergence of non-hegemonic, transborder forms of governance and social relationality
        Author: Matthew Gordon (SOAS, University of London)
      • The Future of Statehood: Self-determination and the Rise of New Nations in International Politics
        Author: Ravi Kumar Varma (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 65
      Panel / Conflict management and security in Eurasia Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group
      Convener: RESG Working group
      Chair: Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow)
      Discussant: Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London)
      • Transnational Coalition: Foreign Fighters in the 1992-93 War in Abkhazia
        Author: Aleksandre Kvakhadze (Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GIFSIS))
      • Understanding Pipeline Politics in Eurasia: Turkey’s Transit Security in Natural Gas
        Author: Kerem Oge (University of Nottingham)
        Author: Iryna Zhyrun (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
      • CSTO's Stance towards Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
        Author: Zeynep Selin Balcı
      • Secession, Territorial Control, and Irredentism across Eurasia
        Author: Nino Kemoklidze
    • 66
      Panel / Critical Methods and Methodologies for IR Parsons Room
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Conveners: Shannon Brincat (University of the Sunshine Coast) , David Duriesmith (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Shannon Brincat (University of the Sunshine Coast)
      • Worlding Dialectics in IR Theory
        Author: Shannon Brincat (University of the Sunshine Coast)
      • Reading a life: Feminist methodologies and the use of life histories in International Relations
        Author: David Duriesmith (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield)
      • Researching Army@Fringe through affective engagements: a case-study of InValid Voices (Dir. Helen-Marie O’Malley)
        Authors: Kandida Purnell (Richmond University, London) , Natasha Danilova (University of Aberdeen)* , Emma Dolan (University of Aberdeen)*
      • The Imagination and World Politics
        Authors: Tim Aistrope (The University of Kent) , Shannon Brincat (University of the Sunshine Coast) , Caitlin Sparks (UNESCO)*
    • 67
      Panel / Critiquing IR Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Convener: CRIPT Working group
      Chair: Flaminia Incecchi (University of St Andrews )
      • Critical International Theory, Realism, and the End of History
        Author: Samuel Dixon (London School of Economics)
      • ‘Collective memory’ and Ontological Security’s ‘Identity’: New meaning for existing IR concepts.
        Author: Kathrin Bachleitner (University of Oxford)
      • Critiquing critique in ‘critical IR’: Knowledge claims, ideology, and the problem of normativity
        Authors: Hartmut Behr (Newcastle University) , Giorgio Shani (International Christian University)
      • Theorizing Unpredictability in International Politics
        Author: Adam Lerner (Royal Holloway)
    • 68
      Panel / Environmental Harm and Justice Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Environment Working Group
      Convener: Duncan Weaver (Easton College)
      Chair: Hugh Dyer (University of Leeds)
      • Understanding climate change in Samoa.
        Authors: Rev Latu Herbert Latai (Malua Theological College (Samoa)) , Sarina Theys (Newcastle University)*
      • Rising Power Identities and Role Performance: Brazil and India in Global Environmental Governance
        Authors: Manali Kumar (National University of Singapore)* , Isabella Franchini (National University of Singapore/King's College London)* , Simon Herr (University of St. Gallen)
      • Attacks on the Forest Rights Act (FRA): Dilution of an Indigenous Promise
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.)
      • Climate Justice and Policymaking in and from the Global South: The Case of South Africa
        Author: Neil James Crawford (Centre for Climate Justice)
    • 69
      Panel / Foreign policy, politics and hegemony in a changing global order Swan Room
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      Chair: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      Discussant: Dag Erik Berg (Molde University College)
        Author: Bilal Bin Liaqat (Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan)
      • The Transformation of Indonesia's Defence Diplomacy: Examination of the Post New Order Period
        Author: Frega Wenas Inkiriwang (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Against the Paradigm of Neorealism? U.S. military withdrawal from Syria and its implications for American-Russian rivalry in the Middle East
        Author: Rafał Ożarowski (E. Kwiatkowski University of Administration and Business in Gdynia)
      • Politics of identity construction: Normative contestations between China and the American hegemonic order
        Author: Juntao He (University of Bristol )
    • 70
      Panel / Global Political Economies of Trade and Development Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Convener: IPEG Working group
      Chair: Rowan Lubbock (Queen Mary, University of London)
      Discussant: Sophia Price (Leeds Beckett University)
      • The Rise and Fall of Politics as an Operative Concern in the International Development Regime
        Author: Ali Burak Guven (Birkbeck, University of London)
      • Who gets the goodies? Overlapping interests and the geography of Aid for Trade allocation in Bangladesh.
        Authors: Arya Pillai (University College Dublin) , Minhaj Mahmud (Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies)* , Samuel Brazys (University College Dublin)
      • Global shifts in a globalized world: the role of international institutions and global governance towards development processes.
        Author: Gabriel Rached (Federal Fluminense University & Università degli Studi di Padova)
    • 71
      Panel / Old Wars, New Technologies? – Challenging and Tracing the Changing Character of War Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: James Rogers (Yale University)
      Chair: Sharad Joshi (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)
      Discussant: James Rogers (Yale University)
      • The Real Cyber War
        Author: Gavin Hall (University of Birmingham)
      • How remote is remote warfare?
        Author: Emil Archambault (School of Government and International Affairs, University of Durham)
      • The Art of Falling: Producing Aerial Space at Ringway Aerodrome Manchester, 1940-1945
        Author: Charlotte Veal (Newcastle University)
      • A Market for Military Assistance? Principals, Agents and the Diffusion of Warfare in Historical Perspective
        Author: Alex Neads (University of Bath)
    • 72
      Panel / Politics of Migration in the Global South and the Postcommunist Space Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group
      Convener: Maria Koinova (University of Warwick)
      Chair: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      Discussant: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      • Diaspora Identity and a New Generation: Armenian Diaspora Youth on the Genocide and the Karabakh War
        Authors: Dmitry Chernobrov (University of Sheffield) , Leila Wilmers (Loughborough University)*
      • Logistical lives, humanitarian borders: managing populations in South-South circulations
        Author: Carolina Moulin (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
      • The “migrant other” as threat: Analysing the role of the Law and Justice Party in the securitisation of migration in Poland
        Authors: Monika Kabata (Nottignham Trent University) , Christopher Baker-Beall (Bournemouth University)*
      • Politics of the In-Between: Acts of Resistance Within and Beyond Spaces of Immigration Detention in the United Kingdom and Australia
        Author: Lucy Kneebone (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 73
      Panel / Processes of peace agreements and state building History Room
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      Chair: Georgina Holmes (University of Reading)
      • Setting the Stage: Embedding Perennial Peace in Peace Agreements through Long-term Historical Time Perspectives
        Author: Christopher Wheeler (Newcastle University)
      • International Statebuilding and Recognition
        Author: George Kyris (University of Birmingham)
      • Self-determination Referendums as Part of Peacebuilding Processes: Serving Peace and Democracy?
        Author: Kentaro Fujikawa (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Articulating and transforming identities within international conflict mediation: the cases of the Syrian and Yemeni crises
        Author: Sarah Clowry (Durham University)
      • The “Rules of the Game” in war-to-peace transitions
        Author: Christine Cheng (War Studies, King's College London)
    • 74
      Panel / The Global Politics of Cyberspace: Mapping the Emergence of Communities of Practice Council Chambe
      Sponsor: Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Andre Barrinha (University of Bath) , Louise Marie Hurel (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      Chair: Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      Discussant: Madeline Carr (UCL)
      • Who gets to be an expert? Towards alternative epistemologies in the making-of-cybersecurity.
        Author: Louise Marie Hurel (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • ‘We are pioneers’! The emergence of the international practice of cyber-diplomacy
        Author: Andre Barrinha (University of Bath)
      • Towards a Ledgered Sovereignty?Distributed Cybersecurity and the Demise of National Cyberspace(s)
        Author: Fabio Cristiano (Leiden University)
      • Is Cybersecurity Finally Sexy? The Economics of Design, Desire and Digital In-Security Production
        Authors: Myriam Dunn Cavelty (Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich ) , Matthias Leese (Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich)*
      • Counting chicks doesn’t count: gendering cybersecurity in theory and practice
        Authors: James Shires (Leiden University ) , Katharine Millar (LSE)
    • 75
      Panel / The colonial making of contemporary international discourse Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Convener: CPD Working group
      Chair: Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Maybe it's providence: Race at the intersection of climate and cross
        Author: Anupama Ranawana (Oxford Brookes/Roehampton)
      • The Temporalities of Victory: Decentring Western Military Cosmologies
        Author: Mirko Palestrino (Queen Mary, University of London)
      • Mapping the ‘new global security environment’: the implicit geographies of network thinking
        Author: Casey McNeill (Fordham University)
      • Emerging Powers and Multilateral Institutions as Gatekeepers of Coloniality
        Author: Francine Rossone de Paula (Queen's University Belfast)
    • 11:30 AM
      Coffee and Tea Break
    • 76
      Panel / Architecture and Politics in Africa: making, living and imagining identities through buildings - panel 2 Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Conveners: Joanne Tomkinson (SOAS, University of London) , Daniel Mulugeta (SOAS, University of London) , Julia Gallagher (SOAS, University of London)
      Chair: Daniel Mulugeta (SOAS, University of London)
      • Gatekeeping or gatemaking? Theorising Africa’s international relations through airport infrastructures in Ethiopia and Ghana
        Author: Joanne Tomkinson (SOAS, University of London)
      • Compromised Tradition: Destruction, Negotiation and the Imaginary Reconstruction of an African Palace
        Author: Tony Yeboah (Yale University)
      • From Prison to Freedom
        Author: Routley Laura (Newcastle University)
      • Understanding the phenomenon Chinese Funded Parliament buildings in Africa
        Author: Innocent Batsani Ncube (SOAS, University of London)
    • 77
      Panel / Bringing War Studies into the 21st Century Swan Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: Vincent Keating (University of Southern Denmark)
      Chair: Katharine Wright (Newcastle University)
      • Closing the European Drone Gap: Advanced Drones and European Technological Dependence
        Author: Dominika Kunertova (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      • Bombing Gently? Civilian Casualties and the Changing Character of Western Military Power
        Authors: Amelie Theussen (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark) , Sten Rynning (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      • The Limits of the Emotional Turn in War Studies: the cases of revenge and trust
        Authors: Vincent Charles Keating (University of Southern Denmark) , Marie Robin (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas and Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      • Mix and Match: on the practice of navigating human protection norms in the EU
        Author: Chiara de Franco (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      • 21st Century Soldiers: Innovation and the Military Profession in the AI Era
        Author: Vicky Karyoti (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
    • 78
      Panel / Foreign Policy and Political Communication Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: Graeme Davies (University of York)
      • Representing Chinese Strategic Narratives in Western Media: Security, Development and the Belt and Road Initiative
        Authors: Kingsley Edney (University of Leeds) , Graeme Davies (University of York)
      • Exploring Domestic Digital Diplomacy: The Case of Brexit
        Author: Ilan Manor (The University of Oxford)
      • Wrestlemania! Metaphor, Myth and Foreign Policy Performance in the Age of Donald Trump
        Authors: Alister Wedderburn (Australian National University/University of Glasgow) , Benjamin Day (Australian National University)*
      • Examining foreign policy agenda through country’s international broadcasting: a study of RT (Russia Today) and Russian foreign policy documents
        Author: Aleksandra Raspopina (City, University of London)
      • Aspects of Brazilian cultural diplomacy in Lula's governments (2003-2010): uses and meanings of the symbolic dimension of the strategic partnership between Brazil and the United Kingdom.
        Author: Marcello de Souza Freitas (Aberystwyth University)
    • 79
      Panel / Identity, Performativity and Representation Carilol
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Convener: PPWG Working group
      Chair: Ciara McHugh (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Between identity and difference: Western citizens, ISIS fighters, and the Ambiguities of Constructing Difference
        Author: Xavier Mathieu (University of Liverpool)
      • Performative security discourse: The construction of identity, foreign policy, security, and the ‘international’ by ‘isolationism’ during US involvement in Vietnam
        Author: Daniel Mobley (University of Edinburgh)
      • The endless quest for authenticity: populism, political performances and transgression as a performative strategy
        Author: Theo Aiolfi (University of Warwick)
      • Traces of Red, Spectres of Yellow: Catalan and Spanish Identities through a Deconstructive Look
        Author: Daniel Pedersoli
    • 80
      Roundtable / Internationalisation and the challenge to academic freedom: between authoritarian control and the logic of the market History Room
      Sponsor: Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group
      Chair: Lee Jones (QMUL)
      Participants: Yeşim Yaprak Yıldız (Goldsmiths, University of London) , Lee Jones (QMUL) , Catherine Owen (University of Exeter) , Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Edinburgh) , Bahar Baser (Coventry University) , John Heathershaw (University of Exeter)
    • 81
      Panel / Localisation and narrowing of civil spaces: moral and practical implications Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Non-Governmental Organisations Working Group
      Convener: Angela Crack
      Chair: Angela Crack
      • A Swift and Trendy Response? Securitizing Civil Society Space in the aftermath of Kenya’s Terror Attacks
        Author: Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen (Technical University of Mombasa)
      • The Value of Pragmatism in Rediscovering the Moral Quality of International NGOs
        Author: Amandine Hostein (University of Portsmouth)
      • Voices from the civil conflict in Cameroon: Resilience, trust and remoteness
        Authors: Willis Roxana (University of Oxford)* , Algar-Faria Gilberto (University of Oxford)
      • The International Opportunity Structure and Increasing Authoritarianism in Venezuela
        Author: Begum Zorlu (PhD Student)
      • Norm Internalization and Democratization in the European Union, and the Role of Civil Society in Hungary and the Czech Republic
        Author: Michael Toomey (University of Reading)
    • 82
      Panel / Materiality of Power and Gender Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Ali Bilgic (Loughborough University)
      Chair: Alice Cree (Newcastle University)
      Discussant: Alice Cree (Newcastle University)
      • Safe Cities for Women and Girls: Gender and urban transformation in Medellín, Colombia
        Author: Alexandra Young
      • Interrogating violent extremism in Kenya from a feminist perspective using body mapping
        Author: sahla sahla aroussi (Coventry University)
      • Choreopolitics at the Border: Dancing Security, Performing Insecurity on the US-Mexico Border
        Author: Charlotte Veal (Newcastle University)
      • Bodies, Positions and the Trap of Visibility
        Author: Francine Rossone de Paula (Queen's University Belfast)
      • A Tale of Two Cities: ‘Pacification’ and the Marginalisation of the favelas in Rio de Janeiro
        Author: Sergio Catignani (University of Exeter)
    • 83
      Panel / Micro-level resolution in peace and conflict Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      Chair: Jennifer Giblin (University of Nottingham)
      Discussant: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      • Peace from below: The Everyday Narratives of Peace for a Sustainable Conflict Resolution in Post-Amnesty Niger Delta, Nigeria
        Author: Harrison Chukwuma Ajebon (Durham University)
      • ‘Imagined Conflicts’: The role of education in conflict resolution. A case study of the Caucasus.
        Authors: Norma Rossi (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) , An Jacobs (Nottingham Trent University)
      • The Workplace as a Neglected Micro Level in International Relations’ Debates on Peace
        Author: Jasmin Ramovic (University of Manchester)
      • A Spatialised Understanding of Everyday Peace: Youth Experiences from Nicosia
        Author: Cihan Dizdaroglu (Coventry University)
    • 84
      Panel / Migration Management from a Regional Perspective Parsons Room
      Sponsor: International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group
      Convener: Maria Koinova (University of Warwick)
      Chair: FOTEINI KALANTZI (University of Oxford)
      Discussant: FOTEINI KALANTZI (University of Oxford)
      • Embedded Realism? Critical Examination of EU’s Development Aid in the ‘Age of Migration’
        Author: Tesfalem H. Yemane (University of Leeds)
      • The Evolution of the Gulf Arab “Migration Diplomacy”: A comparative study of the Gulf States’ policy engagement in forced migration governance, before and after 2011
        Author: Hirotaka Fujibayashi (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)
      • Polycentric Governance of Transit Migration: A Regional Perspective from the Balkans and the Middle East
        Author: Maria Koinova (University of Warwick)
      • The Carceral Potential of the Sea in Maritime in Migration Management
        Author: Andonea Dickson (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 85
      Panel / Policing’s contested relationalities Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Conveners: Catherine Chiniara Charrett (University of Westminster) , Rhys Machold (University of Glasgow)
      Chair: Craig Jones (Newcastle University )
      • Racial Capitalism, Policing and the Politics of Borders
        Authors: Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary University of London) , Rossdale Chris (University of Bristol)
      • Military and Police Violence From Above: Drones, Air Power, and the 1985 Bombing of MOVE
        Author: Katharine Hall (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Homeland Security Worldings: locating the geopolitics of encounter
        Author: Rhys Machold (University of Glasgow)
      • Insidious: How the policing of Britain’s Muslims anticipated the ‘Hostile Environment’
        Author: Nadya Ali (University of Sussex )
      • Dispossession through racialised criminality: The case of policing in Occupied Palestine
        Author: Catherine Chiniara Charrett (University of Westminster)
    • 86
      Roundtable / Reflections on collaborations between creative arts practice and social science in military research Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: #FutureIR @NclPolitics
      Chair: Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University)
      Participants: Michael Mulvihill (Newcastle University) , Alice Cree (Newcastle University) , Rachel Woodward (Newcastle University) , Sandra Johnston (Northumbria University) , Chloe Barker (Newcastle University) , Alison Williams (Newcastle University )
    • 87
      Roundtable / Reviewing the NPT at 50: Actors, issues and next steps Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Global Nuclear Order Working Group
      Chair: Ignacio Cartagena Núñez (Consul General, Spanish Consulate, Edinburgh)
      Participants: Clara Portela (EU Institute for Security Studies) , Nick Ritchie (University of York) , Megan Dee (University of Stirling) , Ben Kienzle , Laura Considine (University of Leeds) , Hassan Elbahtimy (King's College London)
    • 88
      Roundtable / Screening Violence: a transnational approach to the local imaginaries of post-conflict transition Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: #FutureIR @NclPolitics
      Chair: Simon Philpott (Newcastle University)
      Participants: Diah Kusumaningrum (Gadjah Mada University) , Nicholas Morgan (Newcastle University) , Brandon Hamber (Ulster University) , Roddy Brett (Bristol University) , Philippa Page (Newcastle University) , Guy Austin (Newcastle University) , Simon Philpott (Newcastle University)
    • 89
      Roundtable / Sustaining the Outer Space Environment: Now and in the Future Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Environment Working Group
      Chair: Bleddyn Bowen (University of Leicester)
      Participants: Scott Steele (Open University) , Lauren Napier (Northumbria University) , Thomas Cheney (Open University) , Mert Evirgen (Northumbria University) , Harriet Brettle (Astroscale)
    • 90
      Roundtable / What role for the academy and independent 'experts' in the post-truth era? Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Chair: Ilan Baron (Durham University)
      Participants: Tony Lang (University of St. Andrews) , C Cheng , Roger Mac Guinty (Durham University) , Karin Fierke (University of St Andrews) , Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham) , Hesham Hassan Shafick Abdeldary (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 1:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 91
      Roundtable / After Brexit: Navigating Britain’s Security, Defence, and Foreign Policy Pandon Room
      Sponsor: European Security Working Group
      Chair: C Cheng
      Participants: Julie Smith (University of Cambridge) , Sara Dorman (University of Edinburgh) , Catarina Thomson (University of Exeter) , Philip Cunliffe (University of Kent) , Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University) , Ben Kienzle
    • 92
      Roundtable / Book roundtable: 'Global Justice and Social Conflict: The Foundations of Liberal Order and International Law' by Tarik Kochi Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics/International Law and Politics
      Chair: David J. Karp (University of Sussex)
      Participants: Tarik Kochi (University of Sussex) , Andrea Birdsall (University of Edinburgh) , Tony Lang (University of St. Andrews) , Ma​ïa Pal (Oxford Brooks University) , Lara Montesinos Coleman (University of Sussex)
    • 93
      Panel / Borders, Populism and nationalist politics in Asia Carilol
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Dag Erik Berg (Molde University College)
      Chair: Dag Erik Berg (Molde University College)
      Discussant: Jessica Northey (Coventry University)
      • Chinese Nationalism, cyber-populism, and cross-strait relations
        Authors: Michael Toomey (University of Reading) , Weili Ye (Unaffiliated)*
      • Fragile Border, Changing Communities: Communal Relations in Bangladesh-Myanmar Borderland in the Shadow of the Rohingya Crisis
        Author: Ishrat Hossain (University of Oxford)
      • Fight Hard, Play Hard: Revolutionary Sociability in Myanmar
        Author: David Brenner (Goldsmiths)
    • 94
      Panel / Evolving Protection Architectures at the United Nations Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group
      Convener: IR2P Working group
      Chair: Dr Chloe M Gilgan (York Law School)
      • United Nations and Open Government: the necessity to Open the Security Council or risking for the renaissance of the unilateralism
        Author: María Fernanda Arreguín Gámez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
      • Everyday atrocity vs Responsibility to Protect: why efforts to expand the purview of R2P will be counterproductive
        Author: Stathopoulos Athanasios (Leiden University)
      • Progress & International Order: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society
        Author: Sebastian Plappert (University of St. Gallen)
      • Locating Agency in the UN Human Protection Norm Complexity: Reconsidering UK Entrepreneurship
        Authors: Cristina Stefan (University of Leeds ) , Blake Lawrinson (University of Leeds)
      • What does the Future Hold for the Responsibility to Protect: From UN General Assembly Debates to Security Council Practice?
        Authors: Pinar Gozen Ercan (Hacettepe University) , Menent Savas Cazala (Galatasaray University)
    • 95
      Panel / Foreign Policy Theories in Practice Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: Klaus Brummer (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
      • Governing Sexual Violence at the Foreign Office
        Author: Paul Kirby (Centre of Women, Peace and Security, London School of Economics)
      • New Perspectives on Comparative Foreign Policy
        Authors: Klaus Brummer (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) , Chris Alden (LSE)*
      • Rethinking Appeasement: Exploring the History, Strategy and Ethics of an Unpopular Idea
        Author: Benjamin Zala (Australian National University)
      • The Collapse of the Post-Liberal Integration Regime: What Remains?
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. )
      • Turkish Foreign Policy in the Libyan Uprising through the lens of Neoclassical Realism
        Author: Cangul Altundas- Akcay (Durham University)
    • 96
      Panel / New directions in IR Swan Room
      Sponsor: Contemporary Research on International Political Theory Working Group
      Convener: CRIPT Working group
      Chair: Flaminia Incecchi (University of St Andrews )
      • Living History or Leaving History? Temporality and Identity (Trans)formation in International Politics
        Author: Ce Liang (University of Cambridge)
      • Understanding Securitisation Success: An Analytical Framework
        Authors: Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow) , Andrew Judge (University of Glasgow)*
      • Political Modernization: Understanding the Differences between Developed Democracies and Developing Semi-democracies
        Author: Wei See Chan (Department of Politics and International Relations, School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen)
      • Recognition and social freedom beyond borders: A cosmopolitan interpretation of Honneth’s social theory
        Author: Simon Pistor (University of St. Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Euroscepticism and renationalisation efforts in the European Union
        Author: Caroline Kalkreuth (Kiel University)
    • 97
      Panel / Problematising migration and diaspora governance: From racialised migration control to 'minority' participation Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Convener: CPD Working group
      Chair: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      Discussant: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      • Immigrants in Yiwu: A Case of South- South Cooperation
        Author: Yingliang Zhang (University of Vienna )
      • The necropolitical mechanisms of the European Union’s readmission agreements with non-EU countries: an analysis of the Joint Way Forward Declaration between the EU and Afghanistan
        Author: Manuela da Rosa Jorge (Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial (CPD), International Politics of Migration, Refugees, and Diasporas)
        Author: Rupinder Liddar (McMaster University)
      • The Role of the Public Intellectual in the Securitization of Brown and Black Immigrant Women’s Bodies
        Author: Shahnaz Shahnaz Akhter (university of Warwick)
    • 98
      Panel / Silence, Contestation and Denial in Post-Societies in Central, South, and South Eastern Europe Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: South East Europe Working Group
      Conveners: Lydia Cole (University of Durham) , Jessie Barton Hronešová (University of Oxford)
      Chair: Katarina Kušić (Aberystwyth University)
      Discussant: Maria-Adriana Deiana (Queen’s University Belfast)
      • 2. A game of memories: spontaneous memorials and political contestation in Brussels, Malta and Banja Luka
        Authors: Ana Milošević (Institute for Criminology (LINC), KU Leuven) , Alfredo Sasso (Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT))* , Davide Denti (Independent researcher)*
      • 3. Lies, damned lies, and fictitious statistics: documenting denial-seeking efforts of Republika Srpska
        Author: Jessie Barton Hronešová (University of Oxford)
      • 4. Commemorating genocide from the bottom up: civil society, the ICTY and the case of Prijedor (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
        Author: Johanna Paul (Bielefeld University)
      • 1. Curating Community at Vraca Memorial Park: Ruin, Repair, and the Art of Peacebuilding
        Author: Lydia Cole (University of Durham)
    • 99
      Panel / Smugglers, Maps and Saviours: International relations, migration and the potential to ‘other’: Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group
      Convener: Gemma Bird (University of Liverpool)
      Chair: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      • Governing (Im-)Mobilities': from EU Violent Border Protections to Smuggling
        Authors: Helena Farrand-Carrapico (Northumbria University) , Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston University )* , Karolina Augustova (Aston University)*
      • Migration and historical legacies: the politics of continuity and instability
        Author: Sarah Elmammeri (University of Liverpool)
      • The 'Refugee Crisis' in Ten Maps
        Author: Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston University)
      • Gazing in Museums: Creative Methods as Critical Emotions
        Author: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      • Reflections from the field: academia, activism and ‘othering’
        Authors: Gemma Bird (University of Liverpool) , Liska Bernet (Glocal Roots)*
    • 100
      Panel / The Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd century Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Historical Sociology and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Nicholas Kiersey (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley )
      Chair: Nicholas Kiersey (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley )
      • New Medievalism, Public Authority and Political Order in the Perspective of the Past, Present and Future; A Research Agenda for the 22nd Century
        Author: Aleksandra Spalinska (University of Warsaw)
      • The Evolution of Global Society Theory
        Author: Barry Buzan (LSE)
      • Not Yet a Global Health Ethical Paradigm: a scenario-based analysis of Global Health
        Author: Maria Ferreira (Technical University of Lisbon, IR department)
      • Artificial Intelligence and the right to de-optimization
        Author: Isabella Herrmann (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
      • Resisting the Digital Pale - 200 Years of Irish Socialist Struggle
        Author: Nicholas Kiersey (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley )
    • 101
      Panel / The Women, Peace and Security Resolutions and the politics of gender expertise and feminist knowledge in post-conflict settings Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Laura McLeod (University of Manchester) , Marion Greziller
      Chair: Georgina Holmes (University of Reading)
      Discussant: Katharine Wright (Newcastle University)
      • Implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda through gender expertise: observations from EU CSDP missions
        Author: Marion Greziller
      • Practices for effective Women Peace and Security NAPs: coordinating, measuring and implementing gender in neoliberal peacebuilding policy
        Author: Minna Lyytikäinen (University of Helsinki)
      • Who has Authority Over Gender Expertise?: The United Nations System and the Women, Peace and Security Indicators.
        Author: Laura McLeod (University of Manchester)
    • 102
      Panel / The future of international studies in a digital world: which relations for which nations ? Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Convener: Christopher ISIKE (University of Pretoria)
      Chair: Apoli Bertrand KAMENI (Sciences Po Lyon (France) / Université Omar Bongo (Gabon))
      Discussant: Sylvie LEMBE
      • Fragile States in the Sahel: an argument in the debate on the decline of nation state in the analysis of the future of International Studies?
        Author: Sylvie LEMBE
      • The digitazation of the world, a threat to Nations-States, The case of Cameroon
        Author: Apoli Bertrand KAMENI (Sciences Po Lyon (France) / Université Omar Bongo (Gabon))
      • From analogue past to a digital future: teaching and researching International Studies in Africa
        Author: Christopher ISIKE (University of Pretoria)
      • African diaspora : a new paradigm of African States’s international relations
        Author: Christel Dior Tamegui (Université de Rennes 1)
      • Digital Transformation in Africa: disruptive technologies and the issue of trust
        Author: Odilile Ayodele
    • 103
      Panel / The Security of Life in the Anthropocene Parsons Room
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Conveners: Tom Lundborg (Swedish Defence University) , Dan Bulley (Oxford Brookes University)
      Chair: Debbie Lisle (Queen's University Belfast)
      Discussant: Martin Coward (University of Manchester)
      • Care of the Self / Care for the world: the security of life in the Anthropocene
        Author: Cameron Harrington (Durham University)
      • Parasitopolitics: relational ethics of life in the Anthropocene
        Author: Dan Bulley (Oxford Brookes University)
      • This international life: Horizons of the Anthropocene and the ends of man
        Author: Tom Lundborg (Swedish Defence University)
      • Sustainable war: Ecologies of purity and killing
        Author: Gitte du Plessis (Tampere University)
    • 104
      Roundtable / Towards a critical security politics Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group
      Chair: Thomas Martin (University of Sussex)
      Participants: Nick Ritchie (University of York) , Elisabeth Schweiger (University of York) , Paul Rogers (University of Bradford) , Harmonie Toros (University of Kent) , Thomas Martin (University of Sussex) , Ruth Blakeley (University of Sheffield)
    • 105
      Panel / ‘Outside Voices, Informed Insight' – Intellectual Analysis on Military Relations’ History Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: Patrick Bury (University of Bath)
      Chair: Patrick Bury (University of Bath)
      Discussant: Patrick Bury (University of Bath)
      • Circulation of Knowledge in International Relations, Assessing the Interactions between Think Tanks and Practioners.
        Author: Cindy Regnier (University of Liège)
      • War, Memory and the Equivocations of Bernard Fall
        Author: Michael Innes (SOAS University of London)
      • Responding to a the same crisis differently: Irish and British responses to crisis in military forces
        Author: Patrick Finnegan (University of St Andrews)
      • Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) as a New Emerging Trend and its Implications at the Global Politics
        Author: Anuradha Oinam (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 4:30 PM
      Coffee and Tea Break
    • 106
      Panel / Civil Wars, Proxy Wars, and Insurgencies Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: James Rogers (SDU)
      Chair: James Rogers (SDU)
      Discussant: Caroline Kennedy-Pipe (Loughborough University)
      • Beyond Death and Destruction: Insurgent Use of Non-lethal Violence in Civil War
        Authors: Kaisa Hinkkainen Elliott (University of York) , Joakim Kreutz (Uppsala University)*
      • Lost Causes? Evaluating Causal Explanations of Proxy Wars
        Authors: adam humphreys (university of reading) , Vladimir Rauta (University of Reading)
      • Global Hawk Down: On the Downing of an American Surveillance Drone over the Strait of Hormuz
        Author: Emil Archambault (School of Government and International Affairs, University of Durham)
      • An inter-disciplinary post-war recovery strategy to counter the ISIS insurgency in Iraq
        Author: Jacob Eriksson (University of York)
    • 107
      Panel / Debating the American Empire post-Bush Katie Adie
      Sponsor: US Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: Tom Watts (Royal Holloway University)
      Chair: Biegon Rubrick (University of Kent )
      Discussant: Biegon Rubrick (University of Kent )
      • Empire’s female soldiers: gender, war and “faces of domination"
        Author: Rachel (Ruixuan) Zhou (LSE)
      • In Defence of Empire: Re-examining the role of Military Assistance in US Foreign and Counterterrorism Policy
        Author: Tom Watts (Royal Holloway University)
      • Imperial “blowback”: strategic continuity and tactical change in US foreign economic policy towards China after Bush
        Author: Zeno Leoni (Kings College London)
    • 108
      Panel / Decentring Western Narratives of International Relations in Research and Teaching: Problems, Progress and Prospects Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: International Relations as a Social Science Working Group
      Convener: Catherine Owen (University of Exeter)
      Chair: Bernardino Leon Reyes (Sciences Po)
      Discussant: Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham)
      • Poles apart? The conceptions of polarity in American and Russian realisms
        Authors: Iain Ferguson (National Research University - Higher School of Economics) , Andrej Krickovic (National Research University - Higher School of Economics)*
      • Studying IR from a sociology of knowledge perspective: A framework for researching the context of IR knowledge-making
        Author: Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Edinburgh)
      • Global IR Beyond the West: Between Co-optation, Emulation and Emancipation
        Authors: Beverley Loke (University of Exeter)* , Catherine Owen (University of Exeter)
      • Accounting for Non-Western Agency in World Politics: Challenges and Perspectives
        Authors: Audrey Alejandro (London School of Economics and Political Science) , Anahita Arian (University of Erfurt)
    • 109
      Panel / Defence Industries and Technology in Europe Parsons Room
      Sponsor: European Security Working Group
      Conveners: Arantza Gomez Arana (Birmingham City University) , Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University) , Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      Chair: Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters
      • Admiring the Problem: NATO, the space domain and deterrence
        Author: Simon J. Smith (Staffordshire University)
      • The Socio-technical Imaginaries of the EU Defence Research Programme
        Authors: Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University) , Bruno Oliveira Martins (PRIO)*
      • Small states’ defence industries and PESCO: Role of private actors in shaping national policy to defence integration in Europe
        Authors: Tomas Weiss (Charles University) , Licínia Simão (University of Coimbra)* , Miroslava Pěčková (Charles University)*
      • Cybersecurity in the EU: the future of international legal studies
        Author: Eva Saeva (Newcastle Law School)
    • 110
      Panel / Discourses of Counter-Radicalisation and Counter-Terrorism: Critical Approaches Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group
      Conveners: Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham) , Alice Martini , Tom Pettinger (University of Warwick)
      Chair: Tom Pettinger (University of Warwick)
      Discussant: Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham)
      • Countering right-wing extremism: A comparative study of US and EU counter-extremism initiatives
        Author: Chin-Kuei Tsui (Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan (R.O.C.))
      • Terrorism in the United Kingdom: Securitizing Narrative, Surveillance Practices and the Right to Privacy
        Author: Romana Pinhal (PhD candidate University of Minho)
      • Gender and the (in)visibility of terrorists
        Author: Antonia Niehuss (University of St Andrews)
      • The hegemony of Prevent: Turning counter-terrorism policing into common sense
        Author: Amna Kaleem (University of Sheffield)
      • The Axis of Prevent Strategy: British Elites’ Perceptions of Threat, Security, and Integration
        Author: Evren Altay (University of York)
    • 111
      Panel / Dystopian Futures? Ontological Security in an Age of Anxiety Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: Christopher Browning (University of Warwick)
      Chair: Christopher Browning (University of Warwick)
      • Managing Geopolitical Anxiety by Remaking ‘the West’ through ‘Hybrid Warfare’
        Authors: Jakub Eberle (Institute of International Relations, Prague) , Jan Daniel (Institute of International Relations, Prague)*
      • Pure Fantasy? Populist Dystopian Narratives and Ontological (In)Security
        Author: Alexandra Homolar (University of Warwick)
      • Ontological Security and Cyber Technology
        Author: Amir Lupovici (Tel Aviv University)
      • Anxiety, Ontological Insecurity and the Demise of Symbolic Efficiency
        Author: John Cash (University of Melbourne)
      • Coping with Species Anxiety: Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence and the Threat of Human Erasure
        Author: Christopher Browning (University of Warwick)
    • 112
      Panel / Foreign Policy Decision-Making Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: David Houghton (US Naval War College)
      • Australia’s Brexit: the Anglosphere and the Logic of Appropriateness in Australia-UK Relations
        Author: Ben Wellings (Monash University)
      • Brazilian Diplomatic Capacities and Foreign Policy Aims – On Transient Means and Ends
        Authors: Leticia Pinheiro , Leandro Santos (IESP/UERJ)*
      • Trump's Alternative Interagency Process
        Author: David Houghton (US Naval War College)
      • Who is the Desired Thinker? :an Economic Framework for Foreign Policy Analysis
        Author: JINTAO ZHU (London School of Economics)
      • Theorising receptivity to inconvenient or surprising intelligence in European foreign policy: When do decision-makers listen?
        Author: Christoph Meyer (King's College London)
    • 113
      Panel / Foreign Policy, the State and the Responsibility to Protect Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group
      Convener: IR2P Working group
      Chair: Pinar Gozen Ercan (Hacettepe University)
      • ‘Promoting Britain’s national interest’: Global Britain, human protection and the national interest in UK foreign policy
        Author: Blake Lawrinson (University of Leeds)
      • China and Norm Entrepreneur in R2P Debates
        Authors: Zeynep Selin Balcı (Ege University) , Altuğ Günal (Ege University)*
      • The Responsibility to Protect: Pillar III and the Problem of Internal Justification
        Author: maria jellinek
      • The UK as Norm Taker not Maker: The UK’s Responsibility to Protect as Regime Change and Political Transition in Syria
        Author: Chloë Gilgan (York Law School)
      • Locating Global Harm in Crimes Against Humanity: A Dual Approach to the Conception of Humanity
        Author: Samuel Jarvis (York St John University)
    • 114
      Panel / International Political Economy, Rising Powers and Globalisation Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Convener: IPEG Working group
      Chair: Juanita Elias (University of Warwick)
      Discussant: Joanne Tomkinson (SOAS, University of London)
      • BRICS Financial Cooperation: Endeavors, Motivations and Effects
        Author: Jia Luo (Jiangxi Normal University)
      • China’s new regionalism: A grand strategy or a coordination nightmare?
        Author: Olivia Cheung (The University of Warwick)
      • Neoliberalism and the rise of an ‘anti-global’ atavistic nationalism in contemporary global politics
        Author: AKASH BHAGAT (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Marshalling On : India and the developing world in the Global Trade Order
        Author: Abhishank Mishra (Jawaharlal Nehru University )
    • 115
      Panel / New Avenues for Securitization of Migration Politics History Room
      Sponsor: International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group
      Convener: Maria Koinova (University of Warwick)
      Chair: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      Discussant: Andonea Dickson (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Analyzing Refugee Studies through a different lens in International Relations: A case study of European Response to the Afghan Refugee crisis
      • Beyond closed doors: the desecuritisation of Colombian asylum seekers in Ecuador
        Author: Gabriela Patricia Garcia Garcia (University of Aberdeen)
      • Algerian Institutionalisation of Racial Immigration Policies
        Author: kheira Arrouche (University of Leeds)
      • EU’s migration management in the Mediterranean: Burden-sharing and externalisation
        Author: FOTEINI KALANTZI (University of Oxford)
    • 116
      Panel / Populism in South East Europe Swan Room
      Sponsor: South East Europe Working Group
      Convener: Caglar Ezikoglu (Cankiri Karatekin University)
      Chair: Caglar Ezikoglu (Cankiri Karatekin University)
      Discussant: Jessie Barton Hronešová (University of Oxford)
      • Kemalist Populism in Istanbul
        Author: Svenja Huck (Humboldt University )
      • The New Populism in Turkey: The Marriage of Islamism and Nationalism under AKP Rule
        Author: Caglar Ezikoglu (Cankiri Karatekin University)
      • From Right to Left and from Left to Right: Economic Incompetence meets Political Populism in Greece
        Author: Zafiris Tzannatos (Lebanese Center for Policy Studies)
      • Populism in the Western Balkans: Analysing the Impact of the European Union (EU) in Case of Serbia
        Author: Hatice Yazgan (Cankiri Karatekin University)
    • 117
      Panel / Review of International Studies Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Review of International Studies
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
    • 118
      Panel / Security, Coloniality and the Policing of Mobility I: Migration, Citizenship and Race Carilol
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Conveners: Joe Turner (University of York) , Terri-Anne Teo (Nanyang Technological University)
      Chair: Terri-Anne Teo (Nanyang Technological University)
      • ‘No Pass Laws Here!’: Internal passport controls and the global hostile environment
        Author: Kathryn Medien (University of Cambridge)
      • The Policing of Colonial Mobilities: Race, Operation Nexus and the Expulsion of Foreign National Criminals
        Author: Joe Turner (University of York)
      • Viewing Peru’s Migration and Citizenship Governance through a post-colonial Lens: From the Promotion of Migrants’ Rights to their Criminalization
        Authors: Luisa Feline Freier (Universidad del Pacífico ) , Ayesha Siddiqi (University of Cambridge)
      • The Politics of Removal: Policing “Foreignness” in Singapore
        Author: Terri-Anne Teo (Nanyang Technological University)
      • Noncitizen Power and the Reclamation of Trust in Global Migration Governance
        Author: Tendayi Bloom (University of Birmingham)
    • 119
      Panel / Security, Resistance and Political Economy of the Middle East and North Africa Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      Chair: Omer Tekdemir (University of Bolton)
      • Between Anarchy and Arms Race: A Security Dilemma in the Persian Gulf
        Author: Islam Hassan (Durham University )
      • The Logic of Tribal Survival and the Strategy of Co-optation: The Case of the Syrian Civil War and the Manbij Tribes
        Author: murat Yeşiltaş (Social Sciences University of Ankara)
      • The political geography of conflict economies in the MENA region
        Authors: Christine Cheng (War Studies, King's College London) , Tim Eaton (Chatham House)
      • Bringing the Shias Further in: Representation, Veto and Resistance in Confessional Lebanon
        Author: Natalia Nahas Calfat (Universidade de São Paulo)
    • 120
      Roundtable / Teaching and Learning Post Conflict Afterlives Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Chair: Natalie Martin (University of Nottingham)
      Participants: Aishling McMorrow (University of Portsmouth ) , Maria-Adriana Deiana (Queen’s University Belfast) , Jamie Hagen (Queen's University Belfast ) , Philipp Schulz (University of Bremen) , Daniela Lai (London South Bank)
    • 121
      Roundtable / 20 Years on and 10 Resolutions in: Wither Women, Peace and Security? Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Chair: Katharine Wright (Newcastle University)
      Participants: Rachel Grimes (Independent) , Clare Hutchinson (NATO ) , Toni Haastrup (University of Stirling) , Hannah Bond (Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)) , Laura Davis (European Peacebuilding Liaison Office)
    • 122
      Panel / BISA Professional Development III History Room
      Sponsor: BISA
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
    • 123
      Panel / Conceptual Progress in International Environmental Politics Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Environment Working Group
      Convener: Duncan Weaver (Easton College)
      Chair: Hugh Dyer (University of Leeds)
      • OIl as an International Assemblage
        Author: Roland Dannreuther
      • Constructing Agency in Climate Governance: IPCC Scientific Reporting and Reframing the Climate as a Local Governance Problem
        Author: Emma Lecavalier (University of Toronto)
        Author: Isha Sharma (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 124
      Panel / Contesting theoretical accounts: historiographies of emotions and IR Swan Room
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: EPIR Working group
      Chair: Amanda Beattie (Aston University)
      • When Words Lose Their Meaning: Hobbes and Thucydides on the Cause of War
        Author: Jimmy Lim (McGill University)
      • The Aesthetics of Conditionality: Classical Realism and Art History
        Author: Felix Roesch (Coventry University)
      • Why I went to the woods in the first place: The emotional liberation of the Therigatha
        Author: Anupama Ranawana (Oxford Brookes/Roehampton)
      • Filmmaking as Research Practice: "Great Walls: Journeys from Ideology to Experience""
        Author: William Callahan (LSE)
      • ‘Welcome Home Sisters’: Acknowledging Violence through a Politics of Shame
        Author: Emma Dolan (University of Aberdeen)
    • 125
      Roundtable / Curating and Re-Curating the American Wars in Vietnam and Iraq Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group
      Chair: Audrey Reeves (Virginia Tech)
      Participants: Katharine Millar (LSE) , Christine Sylvester (University of Connecticut) , Kimberly Hutchings (Queen Mary University London) , Audrey Reeves (Virginia Tech) , Cami Rowe (Lancaster University )
    • 126
      Roundtable / Facing Human Interconnections 2020-2120 Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: International Relations as a Social Science Working Group
      Chair: Milja Kurki (Aberystwyth University)
      Participants: Richard Beardsworth (University of Leeds) , Madeline Carr (UCL) , Vicki Squire (Warwick University) , Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Aberystwyth University)
    • 127
      Panel / Foreign Policy in a Populist Age Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: Toby Greene (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Conceptualizing Populist Foreign Policy as Folk Realism: Trumpism and US Foreign Policy
        Author: Thorsten Wojczewski
      • Contemporary authoritarian populism and the geography of borders
        Author: AKASH BHAGAT (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Out and into the World: Imperial and Colonial Nostalgias in Vote Leave’s ‘Forward-Looking’ Approach
        Author: Francesca Melhuish (University of Warwick)
      • The Politicization of ‘Anti-nationalism’ and Cosmopolitanism: How are Responses to the Rise of Nationalism Being Articulated?
        Author: Javier Carbonell (University of Edinburgh)
      • The Foreign Policy of the European Populist Radical Right
        Author: Toby Greene (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 128
      Roundtable / Law, Security and the State of Perpetual Emergency Parsons Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Chair: Linda Bishai (George Washington University)
      Participants: Uzair Kayani (University of Lahore School of Management) , Norma Rossi (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst) , Andreas Behnke (University of Reading) , Brittany Benowitz (American Bar Association) , Virginia Anderson (American Bar Association) , Georgia Holmer (OSCE) , Pål Wrange (University of Stockholm)
    • 129
      Panel / Media, politics and influence of Russia and Eurasian states Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group
      Convener: RESG Working group
      Chair: Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London)
      • Digital Diplomacy in Times of Upheaval: How Foreign Ministries Used Twitter During the Crimean Crisis
        Author: Ilan Manor (The University of Oxford)
      • International positioning through media: how RT defines and explains Russia’s role in world politics
        Author: Aleksandra Raspopina (City, University of London)
      • Strategic Narratives of Roads in China’s Broadcasting of the Belt and Road Initiative
        Author: Carolijn van Noort (University of the West of Scotland)
      • Russian strategic narratives of the democratic process: people versus power and process
        Author: Precious Chatterje-Doody (Open University)
    • 130
      Panel / Poststructural Borders: Crossing the Line Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Conveners: Patrick Hughes (Queen's University Belfast) , Ayushman Bhagat (Durham University) , Keysha Jaime Orona (Queen's University Belfast)
      Chair: Patrick Pinkerton (Queen Mary University of London)
      Discussant: Debbie Lisle (Queen's University Belfast)
      • A Queer State of Affairs: the Irish border after Brexit
        Author: Patrick Hughes (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Borders of 'Trafficking'
        Author: Ayushman Bhagat (Durham University)
      • Climate Change and Human Mobility: The Power of Language
        Author: Keysha Jaime Orona (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Mobile and Immobile Fingerprint Scanners: Establishing Virtual Borders
        Author: Carys Coleman (University of Manchester)
    • 131
      Panel / Re-imagining Nuclear History & Politics Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Global Nuclear Order Working Group
      Convener: GNO Working group
      Chair: Hassan Elbahtimy (King's College London)
      • Leaders, Military Experience and the Demand for Nuclear Weapons: Australia, 1969-1974
        Author: Michael Cohen (ANU)
      • Exploring popular nuclear imaginings through interpretive content analysis
        Author: Rebekah Pullen (McMaster University)
      • Nuclear Proliferation, India and the New World Order: A Study in Nuclear Transitions
        Author: Shounak Set (King's College London)
      • The Manhattan Project as origin myth in global nuclear politics
        Author: Laura Considine (University of Leeds)
      • Distrust and Domestic Contestations in India’s Sea-Based Nuclear Deterrence Development
        Author: Shayesta Nishat Ahmed (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 132
      Panel / Security, Coloniality and the Policing of Mobility II: Borders, Violences and Contestations Carilol
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Conveners: Terri-Anne Teo (Nanyang Technological University) , Joe Turner (University of York)
      Chair: Joe Turner (University of York)
      • Home as the Front-line: Everyday Realities and Gendered Constructs of Militarized Violence in Kashmir
        Author: Ananya Sharma (ASHOKA UNIVERSITY)
      • Returning the Gaze: Critical Interventions into Police-Protestor (Counter-)surveillance
        Author: Ciara McHugh (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Bordering Subjecthood and Citizenship: Jurisdiction, Territory, Allegiance and Security
        Author: Devyani Prabhat (University of Bristol )
      • Illegalised Migrants at Frontiers of Immobility: European Coloniality Performed and Normalised
        Author: Benedetta Zocchi (Queen Mary University of London)
      • Who is the non-belonger?: imperial practices and citizenship revocation
        Author: Deirdre Troy (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 133
      Panel / State, gender, & materialism in international historical sociology Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: Historical Sociology and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: HSIR Working group
      Chair: Clemens Hoffmann (University of Stirling)
      • China, the commodity boom and the rise and fall of extractive post-neoliberalism in the global south
        Author: Nicholas Jepson (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester)
      • Gendering International Historical Sociology: Women, Sovereignty and the State in Morocco
        Author: Meriam Mabrouk (Birkbeck College, University of London)
      • Natural resources in the age of colonization and decolonization: Oil’s unique role in the creation of new states
        Author: Naosuke Mukoyama (University of Oxford)
      • The Modern Totem-Inquiry of the Role of National Animals in Modern Nationalism
        Author: JINTAO ZHU (London School of Economics)
      • Alexander-Helphand Parvus’s International Thought, the Standard of "Civilisation" and the Origins of Uneven and Combined Development (UCD)
        Author: Marc Sinan Winrow (LSE)
    • 134
      Panel / Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and State Terrorism in the Global South Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group
      Conveners: Alice Martini , Tom Pettinger (University of Warwick) , Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham)
      Chair: Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham)
      Discussant: Alice Martini
      • Constructing the counter-terrorist state: Nigeria’s Counter-Terrorism Policy
        Author: Kodili Chukwuma (University of East Anglia )
      • Fatalist Attractions: A Critical Analysis of Scholarship on Women’s Involvement in the Islamic State
        Authors: Terrin Calder Rosen (University of Glasgow) , Christopher Mayhew (Goucher College)*
      • Local Meaning Making Processes on Defining Violent Extremism in the Coastal Region of Kenya
        Authors: Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen (Technical University of Mombasa) , Fathima Azmiya Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen (Technical University of Mombasa)*
      • The Act of Terror: paradigms of exception and state violence of Brazil
        Author: Vinícius Armele dos Santos Leal (PUC-Rio)
    • 135
      Panel / Theoretical approaches to peace and conflict Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      Chair: C Cheng
      • Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies: Between Critical Theory and Problem-Solving?
        Author: Teresa Almeida Cravo (FEUC-CES, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
      • Hybridity as Travelling Theory
        Author: Aiko Holvikivi (LSE)
      • Inter-regional Organisational Relations in Peacekeeping: An English School Perspective
        Author: Takamitsu Hadano (University of Tsukuba)
      • The a-historicity of Peace and Conflict Studies
        Author: Roger Mac Ginty (Durham University)
      • Planetary politics and International Interventions: Time, Scale and Peace in the Anthropocene
        Author: Farai Chipato (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 11:30 AM
      Coffee and Tea Room
    • 136
      Panel / Agency, silence and voice in feminist international politics research History Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Aliya Khalid (University of Cambridge) , Georgina Holmes (University of Reading)
      Chair: Georgina Holmes (University of Reading)
      Discussant: Aliya Khalid (University of Cambridge)
      • The subaltern as security actor: Refugees and Europe’s agenda for Women, Peace and Security
        Authors: Holvikivi Aiko (LSE) , Audrey Reeves (Virginia Tech)
      • The Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace
        Author: Anna-Karin Eriksson (Linnaeus University)
      • Exploring the Agency of Male Sexual Violence Survivors Across Contexts: Reflections on Gender and Silence
        Authors: Philipp Schulz (University of Bremen) , Heleen Touquet (University of Antwerp)
      • Rethinking Cold War Peacekeeping: Insecurity, Gender and Silence in the Gaza Strip, 1957-1967
        Author: Martin Ottovay Jørgensen (Aalborg University)
      • Transforming masculinities in Fiji and strategic silence
        Author: David Duriesmith (University of Queensland)
    • 137
      Panel / Creating the State in South-East Europe: Sovereignty, Recognition, and (Il)legality? Katie Adie
      Sponsor: South East Europe Working Group
      Conveners: George Kyris (University of Birmingham) , Lucas Knotter (University of Groningen)
      Chair: George Kyris (University of Birmingham)
      Discussant: Lucas Knotter (University of Groningen)
      • Framing and Contesting 'Europe' in Contested States: Narratives in North Cyprus and Kosovo
        Author: Başak Alpan (Middle Eastern Technical University)
      • Kosovo's Border Fixity: Territorial Security, Institutional Weakness?
        Author: Lucas Knotter (University of Groningen)
      • State Recognition and International Organisations
        Author: George Kyris (University of Birmingham)
      • Silence, Publicity and Authority Formation
        Author: Norma Rossi (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)
    • 138
      Panel / Dealing with Far-Right Extremism Swan Room
      Sponsor: Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group
      Conveners: Alice Martini , Tom Pettinger (University of Warwick) , Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham)
      Chair: Harmonie Toros (University of Kent)
      Discussant: Chin-Kuei Tsui (Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan (R.O.C.))
      • Terrorism Studies, Histories of Terrorism and the Far-Right: An Uncomfortable Silence
        Author: Thomas Martin (University of Sussex)
      • 'Extremism' is what we make of it!: the normalized and banal extremism of Spanish Far Right
        Authors: Alice Martini (UAM Madrid) , Laura Fernández de Mosteyrín (UDIMA)
      • How has extreme right violence been countered in contemporary Portugal? The cases of the Movement of National Action (MAN) and the Portugal Hammer Skin (PHS)
        Author: Raquel de Silva (University of Birmingham)
      • Countering violent extremism: Analysing Norway’s CVE approach
        Author: Sondre Lindahl (Østfold University College)
      • "Unlikely Allies: Far-Right attempted mobilisation of the LGBTQ+ community" ?
        Authors: Russell Foster (King's College London) , Xander Kirke (Glasgow Caledonian University)
    • 139
      Panel / Diplomacy & imperialism in international historical sociology Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Historical Sociology and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: HSIR Working group
      Chair: Brieg Powel (Exeter)
      • Transporting and transplanting jurisdictional accumulation: revisiting the importance of consuls for early modern European empires
        Author: Maia Pal (Oxford Brookes University)
      • Then and Now: Atmosphere between Japan and Thailand in geopolitics, diplomacy and, soft power influences
        Author: PREECHAYA PREECHAYA KITTIPAISALSILPA (International University of Japan)
      • Adoption or Adaption? Globalising International Society in the Nineteenth Century and Diplomatic Practices at the Rokumeikan
        Author: Felix Roesch (Coventry University)
      • The Time of Neo-Ottomanism: An exploration on the international roots of the rise of an imperial desire
        Author: sara sara kermanian (University of Sussex, Department of International Relations)
    • 140
      Roundtable / Discussing Doing Fieldwork In Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts (Bristol: Bristol University Press, forthcoming 2020), edited by Morten Bøås and Berit Bliesemann de Guevara Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Chair: John Heathershaw (University of Exeter)
      Participants: Katarzyna Kaczmarska (University of Edinburgh) , Daniela Lai (London South Bank) , Katarina Kusic (Aberystwyth University) , Morten Bøås (NUPI) , Catherine Owen (University of Exeter) , Casey McNeill (Fordham University)
    • 141
      Panel / Ethics in Conflict Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics Working Group
      Convener: EWPG Working group
      Chair: Cian O'Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
      Discussant: Cian O'Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
      • Just Limited Strikes? Revisitng the Ethics of Force Short of War
        Author: Daniel Brunstetter (UC Irvine)
      • The Dog That Didn't Bark: An Inquiry Into the Notion of Preventability
        Author: Johanna Rodehau-Noack (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Resisting Unjust Aggression: The case for the targeting of security forces during occupations
        Author: Alex Crockett (Durham University)
      • The Ethics and Law of Surrender in Orthodox Just War Theory and Regular War Theory
        Author: Henry Padden (Durham University)
      • The Responsibility to Protect and Already Existing Intervention
        Authors: Robin Dunford (University of Brighton) , Michael Neu (University of Brighton)
    • 142
      Panel / Foreign Policy in and toward Asia Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: Sarina Theys
      • US policy responses to China’s Belt & Road Initiative
        Author: Edward Ashbee (Copenhagen Business School)
      • Domestic Politics, Nuclear Proliferation and the New World Order: Mapping Indian Foreign Policy 1998-2008
        Author: Shounak Set (King's College London)
      • China Threatened: Perceptions of Peripheral States
        Authors: Nicholas Thomas (Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong) , Pang Qin (School of International Relations, Sun Yat-sen University, PRC)*
      • The Geopolitics of Small States: Explaining Bhutanese and Nepalese Security and Foreign Policies through Role Theory.
        Authors: Sarina Theys (Newcastle University) , Bibek Chand (University of North Georgia)*
      • Facing Variegated European Winds: The Belt and Road Initiative’s Challenges to and from EU Foreign Policy and Cohesion
        Author: Simon F Taeuber (University of St Andrews)
    • 143
      Roundtable / Militarisation in the Sahel: old security practices in a new war theatre Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Chair: Olayinka Ajala (University of York)
      Participants: Marie Sandnes (Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)) , Delina Goxho (Open Society Foundations & PAX Netherlands) , Inioluwa Dele-Adedeji (University of York) , Frowd Philippe (University of Ottawa) , Abigail Watson (Oxford Research Group) , James Rogers (Yale University) , Eva Magdalena Stambøl (Aalborg University Denmark)
    • 144
      Panel / Order, Agency & Complexity in Global Nuclear Politics Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Global Nuclear Order Working Group
      Convener: GNO Working group
      Chair: Laura Considine (University of Leeds)
      • Locating the ‘local’ and dissecting the ‘global’: reimagining the workings of global nuclear order
        Author: Tom Vaughan (Aberystywth University)
      • Post-Deterrence, Beyond Norms: The Symbolism of Nuclear Weapons
        Author: Orion Noda (King's College London)
      • Nuclear order and hegemonic change
        Author: Nick Ritchie (University of York)
      • In Search of Agency: Egypt, non-nuclear weapons states and the origins of the NPT
        Author: Hassan Elbahtimy (King's College London)
      • More than the Sum of Its Parts? Examining the Implications of Complexity in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
        Author: Ben Kienzle
      • Essential Attributes of Future of International Studies in the Realm of Global Governance: A Case Study of Emerging Global Nuclear Governance
        Author: Silky Kaur (JNU)
    • 145
      Roundtable / Permissive Violence: The Legality and Legitimacy of Armed Drone Use Dobson Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Chair: David H. Dunn (Birmingham)
      Participants: Zeenat Sabur , David H Dunn (BISA member) , Nick Wheeler (Birmingham) , Caroline Kennedy-Pipe (Loughborough University) , Maja Zehfuss (The University of Manchester)
    • 146
      Panel / Perspectives on and challenges to regionalism Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Convener: IPEG Working group
      Chair: Sophia Price (Leeds Beckett University)
      Discussant: John Morris (University of Warwick)
      • European Regional International Society and the Political Economy of the Global Sugar Regime
        Authors: Rowan Lubbock (Queen Mary, University of London) , Kieran Andrieu (Birkbeck, University of London)*
      • Taking Back Control: Parliamentary Sovereignty and Post-Brexit Trade Policy
        Author: Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Warwick)
      • Theorising European Integration in an age of global disorder
        Authors: Davide Schmid (Manchester Metropolitan University) , Scott Lavery (University of Sheffield)*
      • Pulp Friction in the La Plata Basin: The importance of Natural Resource Governance for the Study of Comparative Regionalism
        Author: Karen Siegel (University of Glasgow)
    • 148
      Panel / Russian foreign/security policy and discourse Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group
      Convener: RESG Working group
      Chair: Precious Chatterje-Doody (Open University)
      • Russia's search for status: historical narratives of triumph and disaster
        Authors: Valentina Feklyunina (Newcastle University ) , James Bilsland (Newcastle University )*
      • Russian foreign policy and Eurasian Meta-geographies
        Authors: Aglaya Snetkov , Stephen Aris (University of Geneva)*
      • Fearing the West, Conquering the East: Contemporary Russian Security Discourses in a Post-Imperial Age
        Author: Kevork Oskanian (University of Birmingham)
      • The Western Balkans and Russia: a Study of Soft Power
        Authors: Adriana Cuppuleri (University of Trento) , Liridona Veliu (Dublin City University)
      • Change and Continuity in Russia's Defence Policy and Military Posture
        Author: Nicolo Fasola (University of Birmingham)
    • 149
      Roundtable / Taking Ontological Insecurity (More) Seriously: The Future of Ontological Security Studies in International Relations Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group
      Chair: Christopher Browning (University of Warwick)
      Participants: Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham) , Dmitry Chernobrov (University of Sheffield) , Jakub Eberle (Institute of International Relations, Prague) , Andy Hom (University of Edinburgh) , Sarah A. Son (University of Sheffield) , John Cash (University of Melbourne) , Shahnaz Akhter (University of Warwick)
    • 150
      Panel / The ‘Brexit Moment’ in EU External Action Parsons Room
      Sponsor: European Security Working Group
      Conveners: Benjamin Martill (University of Edinburgh) , Nicholas Wright (University College London)
      Chair: Andre Barrinha (University of Bath)
      Discussant: Nicola Chelotti ( Loughborough University)
      • EU Development Policy post Brexit
        Author: Amelia Hadfield (University of Surrey)
      • Great expectations: the Brexit moment in EU security and defence and the return of the capabilities–expectations gap
        Authors: Benjamin Martill (University of Edinburgh) , Monika Sus (Hertie School)*
      • Managing the ‘Great Unmooring’: Re-shaping Britain’s foreign policy for the era of Brexit
        Author: Nicholas Wright (University College London)
      • From the Core to the Neighbourhood: Brexit Governance and the evolving nature of the external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
        Author: Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      • Brexit and the contingent rescaling of crisis governance
        Authors: Andrew Judge (University of Glasgow) , John Connolly (University of the West of Scotland)*
    • 1:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 151
      Panel / Changing markets and social development in Africa: technology, norms and practices Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: Africa and International Studies Working Group
      Convener: Laura Routley (Newcastle)
      Chair: Kathy Dodworth (University of Edinburgh)
      • Digital Identity: opportunity or obstacle to Africa's development
        Author: Odilile Ayodele
      • Polanyi and the double movement in Africa: explaining private sector demands for re-embedding in neoliberal Ghana
        Author: Mark Langan (Newcastle University)
      • Foreign Friends, Local Villains? A Micro-level, Sector-Disaggregated Test of Transnational Corporations and Armed Conflict in Africa
        Authors: Samuel Brazys (University College Dublin) , Indra de Soysa (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)* , Krishna Vadlamannati (University College Dublin)*
      • In whose interest? Evaluating the Africa - EU Partnership
        Author: Sophia Price (Leeds Beckett University)
    • 152
      Panel / Christendom in International Relations: imaginaries and afterlives Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: Historical Sociology and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: John Heathershaw (University of Exeter)
      Chair: Brieg Powel (Exeter)
      • Legitimacy and authority: Middle Age lessons for contemporary superpowers
        Author: Luke Cahill (Bath)
      • Medieval missionaries and imaginaries of the international
        Author: Julia Costa Lopez (University of Groningen)
      • What is Christendom to Us? Making better sense of Christian sources of international order
        Author: John Heathershaw (University of Exeter)
      • Francis of Assisi, the Italian City-State International System And the Countercultural Critique of Christendom
        Author: Scott Thomas (Bath)
    • 153
      Roundtable / Cultivating an Inclusive Discipline: Constructions, Challenges, and Conduct in Contemporary Academia’ Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: #FutureIR @NclPolitics
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Participant: Saara Saarma (Tampere University)
    • 154
      Panel / European Journal of International Security Pandon Room
      Sponsor: European Journal of International Security
      Convener: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
      Chair: Kyle Grayson (BISA)
    • 155
      Panel / Everyday imaginaries of war and conflict Bewick Room
      Sponsor: Emotions in Politics and International Relations Working Group
      Convener: EPIR Working group
      Chair: Naomi Head (University of Glasgow)
      • Uncertainty, emotion, and self-idealisation in public perception of international crises
        Author: Dmitry Chernobrov (University of Sheffield)
      • Emotions and war on YouTube: Affective investments in RT’s visual narratives of the conflict in Syria
        Authors: Precious Chatterje-Doody (Open University) , Rhys Crilley (Open University)*
      • The Israel Defense Forces and the Role of Emotions in Military Education
        Author: Sorana Jude (Newcastle University)
      • Frustration and pain in global politics: the specificities of subject-formation in hierarchical and violent contexts
        Author: Paula Sandrin (Institute of International Relations, PUC-Rio, Brazil)
      • Alternative Imaginaries of Cooperation in Conflict and Resistance
        Author: Amya Agarwal (Centre for Global Cooperation Research)
    • 156
      Panel / In, against and beyond International Relations: Disciplinary investigations and interventions Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Convener: CPD Working group
      Chair: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      Discussant: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      • From Thucydides To 1648: The “Missing” Years In IR And The Missing Voices In World History
        Author: Kevin Blachford (Baltic Defence College)
      • What does ‘non-Western knowledge’ mean? De-territorialising the Global IR debate
        Author: Marco Vieira (University of Birmingham)
      • Violent International Relations
        Authors: Lucas Van Milders (University of Groningen) , Harmonie Toros (University of Kent)
      • Carr’s post-colonialism and the Eurocentric origins of the Eurocentric critique
        Author: Haro Karkour (University of Birmingham)
      • Narrating Singularities?: De-colonising IR through Indigenous Knowledge Systems
        Author: Ananya Sharma (Ashoka University)
    • 157
      Panel / International Responsibility in Theory and Practice Swan Room
      Sponsor: Ethics and World Politics Working Group
      Convener: EWPG Working group
      Chair: Robin Dunford (University of Brighton)
      Discussant: Susan Murphy (Trinity College Dublin)
      • Drone warriors, shared humanity, and a feminist ethics of care
        Author: Christian Enemark (University of Southampton)
      • Rethinking International Responsibility: A Proposal for Conceptual Clarity.
        Author: Evert Raafs (Durham University )
      • Kantian International Theory and Treatment for Epistemology: A Teaching of John Rawls
        Author: Chayuth Chamnanseth (University of Aberdeen)
      • Justice in International Trade: Re-Envisioning What It Asks Of Us
    • 158
      Panel / Learning lessons from the agenda for civilian protection by peacekeeping missions Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: david curran (Coventry University)
      Chair: Walt Kilroy (Dublin City University)
      • Towards an integrated approach to civilian protection: synergies and tensions between the three tiers of protection in peacekeeping
        Author: Walt Kilroy (Dublin City University)
      • Inter-Organisational Transfer of Norms, Policies, and Practices: The African Union, its Partners, and Peace Support Operations
        Authors: Kseniya Oksamytna (King's College London) , Nina Wilen (Egmont Institute for International Relations)
      • Integrating contact skills into pre-deployment PoC training for military peacekeepers
        Author: david curran (Coventry University)
      • The Road from Katanga to Bentiu: Armed Groups, Civilian Protection and the Indian Experience of Peacekeeping in Africa
        Author: Sukanya Podder (King's College London)
    • 159
      Panel / Let us open a Pandora’s box: Is India’s federalism exclusionary? Parsons Room
      Sponsor: #FutureIR @NclPolitics
      Convener: Madhan Mohan Jaganathan (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      Chair: Madhan Mohan Jaganathan (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Foreign Policy and the Indian State: Expanding the Frontiers of Federalism?
        Author: Amitabh Mattoo (Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • More unitary than federal? Unpacking the dynamics of India’s federalism
        Author: Madhan Mohan Jaganathan (Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • (Re)Looking Into-Out: India’s Margins and the Lost Federal Promise?
        Author: Mansoor Ashraf (Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Is India’s federalism at risk?
        Author: Amna Sunmbul (Oakridge International School, Bangalore)
      • Exclusionary Citizenship in India: Towards a Hindu Nation?
        Author: Abhishek Choudhary ( Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 160
      Roundtable / Making Sense of International Law and Politics in the 21st Century Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: International Law and Politics Working Group
      Chair: Andrea Birdsall (University of Edinburgh)
      Participants: David Bicknell (King's College London, War Studies) , Kerr Rachel (King's College London, War Studies) , Victor Peskin (Arizona State University, IR) , Kurt Mills (University of Dundee) , Henry Lovat (University of Glasgow) , James Gow (King's College London, War Studies) , Shaina Western (University of Edinburgh, IR)
    • 161
      Roundtable / Teaching and (Un)learning Gender, War and Militarism Council Chamber
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Chair: Julia Welland (University of Warwick)
      Participants: Julia Welland (University of Warwick) , Harriet Gray (University of York) , Chris Rossdale (University of Bristol) , Aiko Holvikivi (LSE) , Alice Cree (Newcastle University)
    • 162
      Panel / The Politics of Governance and Policy Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Convener: PPWG Working group
      Chair: Dan Bulley (Oxford Brookes University)
      • The Politics of Knowledge Production at the UN Security Council
        Author: Aurel Niederberger
      • Assembling China's 'Belt and Road' Initiative
        Author: Ran Hu (University of York)
      • Anticipating unintended consequences of policy making: A poststructuralist approach to policy analysis
        Authors: Donna Arrondelle (University of Portsmouth) , Carlos Cardenas Escutia (University College London (UCL))*
      • Governance in a time of turmoil; Conceptualising hegemonic environmental governance post-Brexit
        Author: Sean Heron (Queen's University Belfast)
      • The politics of debating intelligence reports: The case of Russia’s influence in Czechia
        Authors: Jakub Eberle (Institute of International Relations, Prague) , Jan Daniel (Institute of International Relations Prague)
    • 163
      Panel / US Foreign Policy towards Asia History Room
      Sponsor: US Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: USFP Working group
      Chair: Mara Oliva (University of Reading)
      Discussant: USFP Working group
      • Considering the Sino-American Relationship
        Author: Bradley Thayer (University of Oxford)
      • Vietnamese Education Exchangees to the U.S.: “Symbolic Pawns” in Elite Interactions or Peacemakers?
        Author: Thi Ly Le (University of Nottingham)
      • Military Occupation and Collective Defense: The Origins of European Multilateralism and Asian Bilateralism
        Author: Mike Cohen (ANU)
      • US ‘Hegemony’, Chinese Geopolitics, and the Limits of US Foreign Policy
        Author: Benjamin Coulson
      • Coalescing the Kaleidoscope : Problematizing the Balance of Power Theory in the Asia Pacific
        Author: Abhishank Mishra (Jawaharlal Nehru University )
    • 164
      Panel / Understanding Foreign Policy making within Area Studies Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: MARIANNA Charountaki (University of Lincoln)
      Chair: Lucas Scott (University of Birmingham )
      Discussant: Abdulla Ali Khaled Alsabah (SOAS)
      • Accounting for China’s actions in the Middle East: comparing realism, idealism and tianxia
        Author: Guy Burton (Vesalius College)
      • Formulating Middle Eastern foreign policy in IR: Determinants of continuity in transition
        Author: MARIANNA Charountaki (University of Lincoln)
      • The individual level of analysis and Europe: promises, limits and future challenges
        Authors: Nicola Chelotti ( Loughborough University) , Benjamin Martill (University of Edinburgh)
      • Developing an AU foreign policy: pan-Africanism in international affairs
        Author: Lesley Masters (University of Derby)
      • Generically Singapore? Foreign Policy and the Limits of Exceptionalism
        Author: Simon Obendorf (University of Lincoln)
    • 165
      Panel / Why do Wars Occur and How do They End? Carilol
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Convener: James Rogers (Yale University)
      Chair: Chiara de Franco (Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark)
      Discussant: Jacob Eriksson (University of York)
      • Aggression, Imperialism and the Global South
        Author: Muhammad Ashfaq (University of St Andrews)
      • Using Quantitative Data in Conflict Studies: Challenges and Opportunities
        Author: Tabitha Poulter (City, University of London)
      • Explaining the February 2019 India-Pakistan Crisis
        Authors: Sharad Joshi (Middlebury Institute of International Studies) , Sharad Joshi (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)
      • Uncertainties in the Strategic Motivation Assessment for Contemporary International Conflicts
        Author: Hongyu Guo (Lecturer of the College of International Studies, National University of Defense Technology, P.R.China)
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee and Tea Break
    • 166
      Panel / Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Liberal Ordering of Movement and the Mobile Struggle for Rights Collingwood Room
      Sponsor: International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group
      Conveners: Dimitris Skleparis (Newcastle University) , Una McGahern (Newcastle University)
      Chair: Canzutti Lucrezia (Newcastle University)
      • Young Syrian Refugees in the UK: A Two-Tier System of International Protection?
        Authors: Gareth Mulvey (University of Glasgow)* , Dimitris Skleparis (University of Newcastle) , Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)*
      • Humanitarian geographies of whiteness: entanglements of race, immobility, and care
        Author: Polly Pallister-Wilkins (University of Amsterdam)
      • Making citizens? Differential inclusion by traditional and new state actors in UK and German naturalization procedures
        Author: Elisabeth Badenhoop (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
      • Cross-Border Student Mobility and the Reterritorialisation of Palestinian Citizenship in Israel-Palestine
        Author: Una McGahern (Newcastle University)
      • Borders, Coloniality and the Policing of Family
        Author: Joe Turner (University of York)
    • 167
      Panel / Challenges to the Transatlantic Alliance Stephenson Room
      Sponsor: European Security Working Group
      Conveners: Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University) , Arantza Gomez Arana (Birmingham City University) , Jocelyn Mawdsley (Newcastle University)
      Chair: Andrew Cottey (University College Cork)
      • Forecasting NATO’s Burden Sharing Disputes
        Authors: Tommi Koivula (Finnish National Defence University) , Heljä Ossa (Finnish National Defence University)
      • Forbidden waters? China in the North Atlantic
        Authors: Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira (CICP-University of Minho, Braga, Portugal) , Paulo Afonso Brardo Duarte (CICP-University of Minho, Braga, Portugal)*
      • Member state engagement with EU and NATO operations: an operational overlap perspective
        Author: Feyyaz Baris Celik (University of Kent)
      • Assessing the future studies of Euro-Atlantic security institutions: the need for an eclectic approach
        Author: Luca Ratti (University of Rome 3 and The American University of Rome)
      • Towards the construction of a (new) European security architecture?
        Author: Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters (University of Kent)
    • 168
      Panel / Conservatism and International Relations: Theories and Strategies of Japanese Foreign Relations Martin Luther King
      Sponsor: International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group
      Convener: Karin Narita (Queen Mary, University of London)
      Chair: Katie Dingley (University of Warwick)
      Discussant: Misato Matsuoka (Teikyo University)
      • Abductions and North Korean Policy: Emotions, Gender, and Conservative Ideas about Japaneseness
        Author: Katie Dingley (University of Warwick)
      • Ideas and institutional arrangements: How institutional arrangements neutralise Conservative sentiments in Japan’s engagement in Asian financial regionalism
        Author: Chieh-Chi Hsieh (University of Warwick)
      • Realism and conservatism in Japan: examining knowledge production of foreign policymaking
        Author: Misato Matsuoka (Teikyo University)
      • Radical conservatism in Japan: against the liberal global order
        Author: Karin Narita (Queen Mary University of London)
    • 169
      Panel / Decolonising memory and history: countering coloniality in museums and the arts Swan Room
      Sponsor: Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group
      Convener: CPD Working group
      Chair: Kerem Nişancıoğlu (SOAS)
      • De-colonising memory and connecting histories: translating trans-scalar violence through the arts
        Author: Stefanie Kappler (Durham University)
      • Public History and IR: Engaging with ‘Counter-memories’ in South Asia
        Author: Jayashree Vivekanandan (South Asian University)
      • Public History and International Relations: Mapping the Future through Archiving the Past
        Author: Manu Sharma (PhD candidate)
      • Re-imagining world politics through art: decolonial resistances inside the ethnographic museum
        Author: Muriel Bruttin (University of Lausanne)
      • Museums as Fields of Politics: IR and Politics of Visual Representation in India and Sri Lanka
        Author: Rittuporna Chatterjee (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 170
      Panel / Foreign Policy and Security Dobson Room
      Sponsor: Foreign Policy Working Group
      Convener: FPWG Working group
      Chair: Stefan LUNDQVIST (Swedish Defence University)
      • Why Can’t the Drama Stop? The Entrenched Security Trilemma on the Korean Peninsula
        Author: Xiangfeng Yang (Yonsei University)
      • Reviving the Northern Flank: The 2019 U.S. DoD Arctic Strategy in the Context of Growing Rivalry
        Author: Stefan LUNDQVIST (Swedish Defence University)
      • A comparative study between Israel’s responses to the Arab Boycott and the BDS movement
        Author: Ronnie Olesker (St. Lawrence University )
      • The 'Special Relationship' during the Troubles, turning the lens around
        Author: Patrick Finnegan (University of St Andrews)
      • Remote Warfare during an Era of Great Power Competition
        Authors: Biegon Rubrick (University of Kent ) , Tom Watts (Royal Holloway University)
    • 171
      Panel / Militarism, Terrorism and Security Daniel Wood
      Sponsor: Post-Structural Politics Working Group
      Convener: PPWG Working group
      Chair: Ciara McHugh (Queen's University Belfast)
      • The [subjective] Poverty of Feminist Security Studies: Soldiers' Experiences of Pleasure & the Imperative for Psychoanalytic Interventions in Critical Military Studies
        Author: Kyle Catto (Dept. of Politics – York University, Toronto, Canada)
      • Returning the Gaze: Critical Interventions into Police-Protestor (Counter-)surveillance
        Author: Ciara McHugh (Queen's University Belfast)
      • Tattooed bodies of (political) memories
        Author: Marcelle Trote Martins (Politics Department - The University of Manchester)
    • 172
      Panel / Perspectives of UN peace operations History Room
      Sponsor: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group
      Convener: Peacekeeping and peacebuilding Working group (BISA)
      Chair: Georgina Holmes (University of Reading)
      • Bangladesh as Emerging UN Peacekeeper: Role of Motivations, Decision-Making and the Returns
        Author: Banshanlang Marwein (Jawahar Lal Nehru University)
      • Agency in UN peace operations
        Author: Tom Buitelaar (European University Institute)
      • Robust Resolution? The relationship between the ‘robust turn’ in UN peace operations and conflict resolution
        Author: david curran (Coventry University)
      • Virtual Reality in Peacekeeping: a Rosy Future or Blinded by the Promises of Technological Advancement?
        Author: Lenneke Sprik (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
      • The Hybrid Mission of International and Regional Organization, The Peacekeeping Operations across the Border: A case of Darfur
        Author: Renu Kumari (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 174
      Roundtable / Rethinking Teaching and Learning about International Relations Armstrong Room
      Sponsor: Learning and Teaching Working Group
      Chair: Ilan Baron (Durham University)
      Participants: Jonneke Koomen (Willamette University) , Xavier Guillaume (University of Groningen) , Jonathan Havercroft (University of Southampton) , Naomi Head (University of Glasgow) , Naeem Inayatullah (Ithaca College)
    • 175
      Roundtable / Saving Strangers in a Post-Liberal World Order? Twentieth Anniversary Roundtable Katie Adie
      Sponsor: Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group
      Chair: Alex Leveringhaus (University of Surrey)
      Participants: James Pattison (University of Manchester) , Karen E. Smith (London School of Economics) , Jennifer Welsh (McGill) , Adrian Gallagher (University of Leeds) , Cristia Stefan (University of Leeds) , Nick Wheeler (Birmingham)
    • 176
      Sponsor: Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group
      Chair: Precious Chatterje-Doody (Open University)
      Participants: David Lewis (University of Exeter) , Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London) , Paul Richardson (Birmingham University) , Aglaya Snetkov , Marcin Kaczmarski (University of Glasgow)
    • 177
      Panel / The Political Economy of Digital Transactions Carilol
      Sponsor: International Political Economy Working Group
      Conveners: Juvaria Jafri (City, University of London) , Vincent Guermond (Royal Holloway University of London)
      Chair: Juvaria Jafri (City, University of London)
      • Finance/Security Infrastructures
        Author: Marieke de Goede (University of Amsterdam)
      • Contesting the marketisation of remittances: Repertoires of reluctance, refusal and dissent
        Author: Vincent Guermond (Royal Holloway University of London)
      • Financial Inclusion as a First World Problem and the future of digital payments in Pakistan
        Author: Juvaria Jafri (City, University of London)
    • 178
      Panel / The politics, legality and ethicality of non-state actors in war Sandhill Room
      Sponsor: War Studies Working Group
      Conveners: Helene Olsen (King's College London) , Keith Smith (Kings College London)
      Chair: Keith Smith (Kings College London)
      Discussant: Cian O'Driscoll (University of Glasgow)
      • Solidarity, brothers and sisters: the ethics of transnational war fighting
        Author: Keith Smith (King's College London)
      • Sanitising the ethics of political violence: The critical inadequacies of revisionist just war thinking when considering transnational fighters.
        Author: Thomas Hooper (Queen Mary University London)
      • Who should fight? The use of German mercenaries in the American Revolutionary War and their construction as illegitimate fighters
        Author: Helene Olsen (King's Collge London)
      • Accountable to Whom?: private military and security companies, law, and the challenge of accountability
        Author: Fletch Williams (LSE)
    • 179
      Panel / Tracing Intersections of ‘Race’, Gender, and the Colonial Afterlives of Foreign Policy Organisations Pandon Room
      Sponsor: Gendering International Relations Working Group
      Conveners: Hannah Wright (LSE) , Columba Achilleos-Sarll (Miss)
      Chair: Annick Wibben (Swedish Defence University)
      Discussant: Toni Haastrup (University of Stirling)
      • Early Female Envoys of India: When the Post-colonial Women Spoke to the World
        Author: Khushi Padma Singh (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • The Violence of Feminist Foreign Policy
        Author: Althea-Maria Rivas (SOAS)
      • Diversity and Inclusion in UK National Security Policymaking: ‘Mission Critical’ or Business as Usual?
        Author: Hannah Wright (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • ‘Unspeakable Things Unspoken’: Mapping Sovereign Orders and Imperial Feminism across the UK’s Women, Peace and Security Agenda
        Author: Columba Achilleos-Sarll (University of Warwick)