Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Producing Knowledge: Migration, Activism & History

Jun 15, 2022, 1:15 PM
1h 30m
Parson, Civic Centre

Parson, Civic Centre

Panel International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group


Precarious migration, border enforcement, and violence have become inextricably linked in our contemporary world. People on the move and those displaced are increasingly subjected to diverse forms of violence that are the consequence of ever more draconian “non-entrée policies” (Chimni, 2009: 12), especially in countries of the 'Global North'. What role does knowledge production play in current forms of migration governance? In this panel, we reflect on critical knowledge production on migration and borders. Where and how is knowledge about migration produced and how does this knowledge circulate and have 'impact'? How can researchers do migration research ethically and in ways that cause no harm? We will explore the methodological and ethical challenges around researching migration, a highly politicized issue that often involves the reproduction of a white, Western, and patriarchal state. Contributors will speak from different perspectives, for example highlighting the benefits and challenges of being an activist scholar, taking a postcolonial perspective, and employing ethnographic methods.

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