Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Global Intersections – The governance of health at the intersection with political economy and the environment

Jun 17, 2022, 1:15 PM
1h 30m
History Room, Student Union

History Room, Student Union

Panel Global Health Working Group


Health governance is often referred to as one of the few truly global issues – alongside other essentially illimitable challenges, such as the unfolding environmental crisis of the Anthropocene. This conception of globality is significant, as it means that ‘the environment’ and ‘health’ cannot be studied in isolation, and that considerations of health or environmental policy should necessarily form part of any other governmental question. Contributions to this panel open up the intersection between health and the environment, and also delve deeper into the wider challenges of governing an essentially global issue area – ranging from questions of global access and equity to conflicts between global and national interests. These questions coalesce around different ‘health’ issues with wider implications, such as the challenges faced over the course of the COVID pandemic, and also issues of longer standing such as anti-microbial resistance, or tensions between the promotion of health and the safe-guarding of intellectual property.

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