Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Images, Voices and Silences: New Empirical Vision in Transitional Justice

Jun 16, 2022, 9:00 AM
1h 30m
Collingwood, Civic Centre

Collingwood, Civic Centre

Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group


The founding vision of transitional justice as a field of scholarship and practice is normative. Addressing the legacy of human rights violations and war crimes is supposed to reconcile war-torn communities and advance peace. As transitional justice as a field of study has developed and matured, so these ‘faith-based’ convictions have been substantiated with ‘fact-based’ knowledge of effects of transitional justice initiatives – positive and negative. This panel contributes to the accumulation of empirical evidence and evaluation of the impact and outcomes of transitional justice processes from multiple disciplinary perspectives, including international relations, political science, and media studies, using innovative methods that capture local, everyday interactions in post-conflict societies. The papers draws on diverse empirical evidence to show how images, voices and silences can be meaningful and create opportunities for difficult conversations and interactions about past wrongs. The panel advances our understanding of how a range of different sites, such as artistic practice, social media, face-to-face interactions, and parliament, can either further or undermine the goals of transitional justice.

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