Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Practising Peacekeeping: Experiences of Peacekeepers and Beyond

Jun 17, 2022, 4:45 PM
1h 30m
Daniel Wood, Student Union

Daniel Wood, Student Union

Panel Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group


Peacekeeping follows increasingly complex mandates and peacekeepers are often simultaneously required to fight armed groups, protect civilians, build roads and states, train security forces and provide initial humanitarian support. While research has accounted for the challenges and shortcomings of peacekeeping, we know little about the everyday practices of peacekeeping and how peacekeepers themselves straddle their responsibilities and experience their tasks. This panel calls for papers that examine peacekeeping practices and attend to the multiple dimensions of the experiences of peacekeepers. Papers could be centred around the following broad themes:
• Organizational practices or cultures of peacekeeping
• The everyday experiences of peacekeepers
• Gender and peacekeeping
• Relations between peacekeepers and hosts
• Practical effects of South-North divisions between troop sending and funding countries
• Ethical and practical dilemmas of peacekeeping
• Internal tensions for example between mission command, national HQs; and field offices; military and civilian peacekeeping; troop contributing countries

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