Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Can the international peace architecture and liberal interventionism survive?

Jun 17, 2022, 9:00 AM
1h 30m
Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group


This roundtable, comprised of most of the editorial team of the journal Peacebuilding, considers the extent to which peacebuilding and the infrastructure that supports it, can survive given a dynamic and often unsupportive context. On the one hand we have a clear shift to unilateralism and a retreat from rules-based international order. This context also involves a risen China, and growing emphasis on stabilisation and securitised interventions such as authoritarian conflict management or and the maintenance of hard borders. On the other hand, an ever more elaborate peacebuilding infrastructure has been developed, with its own vernacular and logics (for example, it own technocratic imperative). There is also, of course, continuing conflict, tension and dislocation and thus a need for conflict de-escalation and peace support. The roundtable will take the form of the panel being asked to consider a series of questions/responding to provocations. The roundtabel organisers are aware that a roundtable is different than a panel and want to hold dynamic session with a lot of audience participation.

Presentation materials

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