14–17 Jun 2022
Europe/London timezone

International Affairs 100th Anniversary Panel 1 – Race & State Securitisation: Counterterrorism, Counter-insurgency and Borders

15 Jun 2022, 13:15
1h 30m
Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Council Chamber, Civic Centre

Colonial, Postcolonial and Decolonial Working Group


This roundtable explores some of the key themes addressed in the International Affairs journal 100th Anniversary Special Issue. In particular, it interrogates the way IR theory, academic knowledge production, and policy uphold the naturalisation of the State in IR, while racialising and delegitimising political agency and actors outside of it. Counterterrorism strategies in the UK and Canada, Counterinsurgency supported by EU definitions and strategies, and the insidious role of borders and corridors in Israel, all disenfranchise and outlaw racialised communities. Moreover, scholarship and practice that protests this racial securitisation also is marginalised in theory and practice. What should academics and practitioners do to challenge these structures, and what would a more just and constructive nexus between academia and policy look like?

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