Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Operational experiences, military role conceptions and their influence on civil-military relations

Jun 16, 2022, 9:00 AM
1h 30m
Swan, Civic Centre

Swan, Civic Centre

Panel European Journal of International Security


A considerable amount of research within security studies has explored the military’s increasingly diverse and multifaceted tasks. However, this debate has been disconnected from the literature on civil-military relations to the effect that we still lack knowledge about how and why these operational tasks have consequences for the relations between the armed forces, civilian authorities, and society at large. In order to provide for a better understanding of these effects, the articles of this Special Issue of the European Journal of International Security focus on operational experiences in order to capture how the military’s routine activities affect the equilibria, logics and mechanisms of civil-military relations. The Special Issue’s contributions provide diverse and global perspectives and shed light on different aspects of the relationship between military missions and the military’s roles in society and politics. Among other factors, they highlight role conceptions – the military’s shared views on the purpose of the institution – as crucial in shaping the dynamic relation between what the military does and what place it occupies within the state and society.

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