This panel is the third in the Critical Terrorism Studies working group seminar series, ‘Methodologies in critical terrorism studies: bridging disciplinary gaps and centring missing voices’.
As argued by Jackson (2007) and Jackson & Fitzgerald (2018), it is important to continue expanding the field of critical terrorism studies (CTS) to overcome the epistemological challenges that may undermine the basis of the project in the future (see also Gunning, 2007; Stump & Dixit, 2013). For a number of scholars, critical theory in terrorism studies has reached a turning point towards its explanatory and transformative power, specifically in terms of the eurocentric hegemony of its knowledge production (Cloete & Auriacombe, 2019, p. 1). (Moyo, 2020). Rethinking methodological standpoints, especially capturing the voices of the Global South on CTS, therefore, is critical.
Decolonising and indigenous perspectives analytically engage with the geopolitical background against which historical events unfold and critically interrogate the hegemonic perspectives from which they are told. Simultaneously however, there is a tension between the need to adopt more 'diverse' methodologies and the co-optation of decolonial and indigenous knowledge by global north institutions and the white structures of the academy. Therefore, this panel asks what decolonial and indigenous approaches to critical terrorism studies might look like, and how these respective methodologies can be central in shifting eurocentric thinking.
Registration for the event will close 2 hours before the event is due to begin.