The role of think-tanks in the foreign policy-making process


BISA Foreign Policy Working Group presents another interesting discussion about the role of think-tanks in the formulation of foreign policy as an influential component in the process of decision-making. Think-tanks as non-state actors bear a direct impact on the International Relations discipline. However, this event will focus on empirical approaches of foreign policy by different think-tanks given their prominent role in the orientation of policymaking. The emphasis on different cases will shed further light on the analysis process undertaken by such institutions.


Dr Michael Mason (Director, Middle East Centre, The London School of Economics and Political Science) - ‘The LSE Middle East Centre - a cautious foreign policy actor’

Dr Abdulaziz Sager (Chairman, Gulf Research Center, Cambridge University) - ‘Foreign policy-making in the Middle East: the example of Gulf Free Zones’

Sergei Melkonian (Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and Academic Director, Armenian Research and Development Center ) - ‘The changing role of the foreign policy making in Russia: a think tank perspective’ 

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