This roundtable contends that close attention ought to be paid to formative experiences in learning and teaching in International Studies, especially the support and pedagogical training needed as IR scholars begin their teaching careers. While “early career instructor” (ECI) experiences are likely to be highly varied, insights into the experiences of ECIs will offer important lessons on how we can support new instructors to teach IR in an ever-changing world. This roundtable also considers ECI experience in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has shaped the early years of their teaching. Participants will consider questions such as: How do ECIs prepare to teach their first courses? What challenges did participants face as they were preparing to teach for the first time? How did the COVID-19 impact their teaching, especially given the increased shift to online and hybrid learning? How are ECIs developing pedagogical approaches within IR and incorporating inclusive pedagogy into their courses? Participants include postgraduates, recent PhDs including postdoctoral fellows, and full-time instructors. By approaching these questions from multiple perspectives, this roundtable helps to enrich and enliven our understanding of the current state of what it means to be an ECI in the academy and teaching International Studies, and what future steps can be taken to improve the early career instructor experience.