20–23 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

Advancing Foreign Policy Analysis: Gender, Time and Roles

23 Jun 2023, 15:00
1h 30m
Carron, Hilton

Carron, Hilton

Panel Foreign Policy Working Group


This panel will discuss original and innovative theory-guided works in the field of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). The hallmarks of FPA are its penchant for actor-specific, middle-range theorising and for interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspectives. Theoretical approaches in the field can be differentiated along several dimensions, such as levels of analysis, whether they are structural or agent-orientated, or whether they are constructivist, rationalist or cognitive/psychological. At the same time, FPA has a rich tradition of efforts at theoretical integration. Against this background, this panel brings together papers that elaborate on different theoretical perspectives in FPA and apply these perspectives to a broad range of specific empirical puzzles using a variety of methods.

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