20–23 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

Civil society networks and transnational advocacy

23 Jun 2023, 10:45
1h 30m
Lochay, Hilton

Lochay, Hilton

Panel Non-Governmental Organisations Working Group


This panel conceptualises and analyses civil society networks across borders, and considers the potential they hold for more transparent, humane and democratic governance. Gutterman focuses on the “global anti-corruption movement” and explores patterns of variation and/or conformity in leading INGO’s strategic practices in this field of transnational advocacy. Norman discusses the possible role of ASEAN People’s Forum in addressing the deficits of democratic regional governance. He highlights recent civil society initiatives that have hinted at a multi-stakeholder approach that might hold the key to unlocking the promises of a people-centred ASEAN. Schapper introduces the concept "super-network" in her discussion of the R2HE Coalition. These are collaborative transnational advocacy networks (TANs) operating across policy fields and building a network structure above individual TANs. Warnecke explores social network analysis as a means for rethinking the nature of INGO-government relations in INGO countries of origin. She develops a new approach that combines multiple data sets on interpersonal and interorganisational ties for assessing the patterned relationships and social distance between governmental and non-governmental organisations in the British overseas development and aid sector.

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