20–23 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

The (absolute) state of the discipline: Expertise, engagement, ethics and Russia’s war on Ukraine

21 Jun 2023, 09:00
1h 30m
Clyde, Hilton

Clyde, Hilton

Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drew into question many of the underlying assumptions of contemporary IR, and has produced many high-profile examples of scholars making calls that are spectacularly wrong – and getting things wrong can have dramatic human rights implications on the ground. Whilst our purpose as academics may not be to make predictions, it is certainly to learn from our mistakes. Over a year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this panel offers the opportunity to do just that. Participants with a range of disciplinary and geographical expertise will be debating questions such as: What analytical and disciplinary shortcomings has the war brought to light? Whose perspectives have been prioritised and occluded in mainstream analysis – and what impact does this have on public discourse? How can we best manage the relationship between academia and practitioners? What does the war tell us about the relationship between international institutions and human rights? How do we maintain ethical scholarship, relationships and outreach in the context of an ongoing war? And finally, what lessons should we be learning for the future?

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