20–23 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

A Summit of the Future in a Bordered World?

22 Jun 2023, 09:00
1h 30m
Dee, Hilton

Dee, Hilton

International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora Working Group


How do we meet as “a summit of the future” in a world of borders? Where are the possibilities of genuine encounter and exchange when global segregationist policies keep people apart and allow only some to move across borders with relative ease? In this roundtable, we assess the role of borders and migration in some of the most significant challenges the world faces today: war and conflict, climate disaster, disease, capitalism, and imperialism. Human movements, in particular those without state authorisation, can serve as a useful lens to investigate these challenges that plague the international system and local experiences. When viewed through migration and its governance, what is revealed about these challenges but also about the shortcomings in addressing them? This roundtable brings together scholars who have investigated connections between migration, borders, and these important questions of the day.

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