Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group annual conference

University of Leeds

University of Leeds

Roger Stevens LT 11 (10.11)

The Intervention and Responsibility to Protect Working Group will hold its annual conference on 18 November 2022 at the University of Leeds. The theme for the conference is: reimagining the responsibility to protect to meet new challenges. Keynote speech will be delivered by Professor Alex Bellamy.



9-9:30           Arrival, tea, coffee and pastries provided.  
9:30-9:40      Welcome comments  
9:40-10:00    Practitioner Insights on Devolving R2P: Being the Difference
                     Dr. Kate Ferguson (Protection Approaches)
10:00-11:20  Panel I: Ongoing Contestation of R2P
                     Andrea Knapp, Shreejita Biswas, Zikun Yang, Ruolan Gan and                        Qiaochu Zhang  
11:20-12:40  Panel II: New Challenges for R2P Implementation and                                      Responsibility
                     Pinar Gozen Ercan, Caglar Acikyildiz, Adrian Gallagher, Helena                        Hinkkainen, Chloë Gilgan, Bola Adediran, Mafruza Sultana  
12:40- 13:40 Lunch
13:45-14:30  Keynote Speech by Professor Alex Bellamy (University of                                  Queensland) - Title TBC
14:30-15:50  Panel III: The Intersection between R2P and other Protection                            Norms and Neglected Contexts
                     Blake Lawrinson and Jason Ralph, James Pattison, Daeun Jung,                      Elif Çetin, Josephine Jackson
15:50-16:10  Coffee
16:10-17:30  Panel IV: Meeting New and Unresolved Challenges
                     Lucas de Belmont, Renu Keer, Samuel Jarvis, Thomas Peak,                            Neil Renwick, Sophie T. Rosenberg
17:30-17:40  Closing remarks
18:00            Dinner and Drinks TBC


Registration for the conference closes on 21 October 2022.



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