Media, politics and influence of Russia and Eurasian states


Chair: Natasha Kuhrt (King's College London)


  • Digital Diplomacy in Times of Upheaval: How Foreign Ministries Used Twitter During the Crimean Crisis, Ilan Manor (University of Oxford)
  • International positioning through media: how RT defines and explains Russia’s role in world politics, Aleksandra Raspopina (City, University of London)
  • Strategic Narratives of Roads in China’s Broadcasting of the Belt and Road Initiative, Carolijn van Noort (University of the West of Scotland)
  • Russian Public Diplomacy: Questioning Certainties in Uncertain Times, Precious Chatterje-Doody (Open University) and Lucy Birge (University of Manchester)

Media and information flows are central to the conduct of contemporary politics, and recent years have seen a steady increase in the level of priority that states beyond Western Europe and North America have afforded to their global media operations. In parallel, there has been sustained debate in academic and policy-making circles about the effects that state-aligned media operations are likely to have, both on social relations, and on the fulfilment of particular policy activities. This panel brings together a series of papers examining the relevance of international media operations on a range of current and recent critical issues in Russia, China and beyond.

This event has been organised by the BISA Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group.

    • 14:00 15:30
      Media, politics and influence of Russia and Eurasian states