Sponsored by the BISA Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group and the Centre for Global Challenges and Social Justice at The Open University, the conference brings together scholars developing new theoretical and empirical research on the future of UN peacekeeping operations.
The conference comes at a time when UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding are significantly underfunded and when implementation of the UN’s Sustaining Peace Agenda and the Secretary General’s Action of Peacekeeping Initiative is taking place amid multiple and compounding risks including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, climate change, health emergencies and threats posed by new technologies. At the same time, missions are experiencing difficulties maintaining positive relations with host states, maintaining consent among local populations and adapting to financial and operational realities.
Papers cover a range of topics, including:
The future of UN peace operations
Future partnerships between the UN and Regional institutions
New directions in peacebuilding interventions
Actors, accountability and the protection of civilians
Securitisation and peacekeeping
In addition, we will have keynote addresses from peacekeeping scholars and policy experts, as well as a drinks reception.