Understanding Emerging World (Dis)Orders: Research networks and new paradigms in Foreign Policy research




This event brings scholarship from the Politics of Disorder research network (at the University of Lincoln) into discussion with recent work on foreign policy analysis which have taken place within the British International Studies Association (BISA). Thus, the event constitutes a manifestation of the synergies, possibilities and rewards to be gained by such collaborations.


Increasingly, foreign policy analysis is required to engage with new forms of world order and disorder. New actors, threats, and framings of (in)security are complicating traditional modes of analysis. New forms of scholarship are required to meet these challenges: scholarship that will need to be more flexible in reaching across disciplinary boundaries, accessing new or non-traditional forms of knowledge and engaging plural sources of expertise. Research networks, both within universities/research institutions, and spanning the broader practitioner and research sector will be critical to meeting this goal. Here, learned societies and international research associations can play a key role in driving innovative, multi-faceted and interdisciplinary responses to key contemporary challenges. 



Dr Simon Obendorf, Senior Lecturer in International Politics (University of Lincoln)

Dr Aris Trantidis, Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Politics (University of Lincoln)

Dr Sureyya Sonmez Efe, Senior Lecturer in International Relations (University of Lincoln)

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