Joint event: BISA and PSA - Beyond alternative: assessment as the forgotten piece in online learning


Part of the 'Teaching politics and IR online: “design matters” webinar series'

Speakers: Simon Lightfoot (Leeds), Simon Rofe (SOAS)

Professor Simon Lightfoot (Leeds) and Dr J Simon Rofe (SOAS) will speak to the value of building Online Learning Communities (OLC’s) as a means of providing quality learning experiences and assessments for students, prior to and through COVID. The robustness of OLC's allow for learning outcomes to continue to be met and levels of engagement to be enhanced. The session will particularly emphasise consideration of links between online learning and assessments - attempting to marry up the affordances of OLCs with the opportunities of 'alternative' forms of assessments. In doing so we argue that what was once labelled 'alternative' will be centred in HE in the next decade.

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      Joint event: BISA and PSA - Beyond alternative: assessment as the forgotten piece in online learning