Women’s International Thought: A masterclass


In this CRIPT-sponsored postgraduate masterclass, Kim Hutchings (QMUL) and Patricia Owens (Oxford) will discuss the motivation for the award-winning anthology Women’s International Thought: Towards a New Canon? (Cambridge, 2022), which recovers and analyses, for the first time, the historical women who created and defined the field of international relations through the twentieth century. They will speak about some of the methodological challenges of recovery history, the strengths and limits of the anthology form, and what can be learned from thinking with historical women.


Ahead of the masterclass, participants are expected to read two texts from the anthology, Claudia Jones’ 1964 “The Caribbean Community in Britain” (pp.232-243 from the Anthology) and the extract from the Margaret Mead led 1953 UNESCO publication Cultural Relations and Technical Change (pp.650-655 from the Anthology).


Participants are also requested to send in advance 1-2 questions regarding the anthology on the whole, or one/both of the two texts in particular, that can serve as the basis for discussion. Please send the question(s) by end of day Tuesday 19 September, to cript.group@bisa.ac.uk with the subject title “CRIPT masterclass questions”, also including your name in the body of the email so that the instructors might call on you during the masterclass to raise your question.


This masterclass is open to interested MA and PhD students. It is open free of charge also to non-BISA members thanks to the generous sponsorship of the British International Studies Association.

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