4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Projecting Power and Science: Anti-Satellite Weapons and Strategic Interests in Space

5 Jun 2024, 16:45
1h 30m
Room 105, Library

Room 105, Library

Astropolitics Working Group


This panel brings together new research focusing on the military, security, and geopolitical dimensions of space weapons, satellite programmes, and space science itself. Papers focus on Russia, China, the United States, and Indonesia, and how in each case practical military, economic, and security interests drive forward major space programmes with major consequences down on Earth. The papers offer differing approaches and methods, but share a common interest in the practical use of space by those in power for supreme national priorities: through the development and deployment of anti-satellite weapons, the scramble for geostationary orbit satellite slots, and the harnessing of lunar exploration in ‘great power competition’.

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