4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Re-focusing transnational connectivities: new conversations on diasporas, activism, and repression.

6 Jun 2024, 16:45
1h 30m
Concerto, Hyatt

Concerto, Hyatt

International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East & Asia Working Group


This interdisciplinary panel brings together scholars working on diaspora politics and transnational connectivities. Centring the voices and experiences of those engaged in – and subjected to - these dynamics, the panel focuses on different aspects of the diaspora experience to better understand 1) how diasporas operate as transnational agents of change; 2) the transnational constraints and mechanisms of repression affecting their members.

This is a necessary endeavour as, despite the proliferation of scholarship on migration, diasporas, transnational repression, and transnational activism, these debates rarely intersect. As these topics increasingly grow as the focus of domestic and foreign policies for both host and home states, we seek to take a transnational approach to focus on the cross-border activities of both diasporas and states. This interdisciplinary conversation contributes to a better understanding of the transnational dimension of diaspora agency, activism and repression, answering calls for more intersectional and inclusive approaches in international studies.

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