4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Grant Culture, Impact, and Critical Scholarship

7 Jun 2024, 09:00
1h 30m
Dolce, Hyatt

Dolce, Hyatt

Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group


This roundtable will look at the challenges of conducting critical research within a neoliberal higher education system that measures success in terms of grant capture and ‘impact’. Over the past few years, conversations within Critical Terrorism Studies scholarship have focused on the need to engage with policymakers but is this the only way to create ‘impact’. Does this emphasis on ‘impact’ compromise the emancipatory principles of critical research? And how does this translate into grant capture strategies, is it possible to win grant funding without engaging with policymakers? Can impact be directed in the opposite direction, towards grassroots advocacy organisations? Is it possible to do impact without contributing to violent government policies? We will explore these questions with academics who have received funding from different sources and conducted critical research.

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