4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Teaching ‘terrorism’ critically

6 Jun 2024, 09:00
1h 30m
Benjamin Zephaniah, The Exchange

Benjamin Zephaniah, The Exchange

Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group


This roundtable will focus on the challenges of teaching terrorism from a critical standpoint. With the Critical Terrorism Studies (CTS) approach of questioning the ontological stability of the terrorism thesis (Jackson et al, 2011), how do we introduce students to the idea of ‘terrorism’ without defining it? How do we engage with mainstream approaches to terrorism while maintaining our critical ethos? What does it mean to do research-led teaching within the parameters CTS? Bringing together academics at different career stages, this discussion will help us to learn from their experiences to address these pedagogical questions and tackle the challenges of teaching terrorism critically.

Presentation materials

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