4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Rethinking Connections: The Future of Humanitarianism, Human Protection and Building Peace

6 Jun 2024, 10:45
1h 30m
Mary Sturge, The Exchange

Mary Sturge, The Exchange

Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Responsibility to Protect Working Group


The purpose of the roundtable is to invite exchanges that reflect on the broadening of the Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Responsibility to Protect working group focus, while engaging critically at the same time with the BISA 2024 challenge of identifying whose international studies we should focus on. We are hoping for panellists to engage in a cross disciplinary dialogue across BISA working group themes and topics related to human protection, human rights, institutional responsibilities, the political economy of building peace, and feminist foreign policy. We are asking panellists to consider questions such as, what connections can be made between disciplines in the study of humanitarianism and human protection? Who benefits from this research? How can we bridge the worlds of academia and political commitment? Is our research limited by narrow theoretical approaches or power structures in academia and beyond? When talking about protecting human life, do we need a broadened understanding of with whom responsibility lies?

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