4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

The Ukraine War and the Re-making of Europe's Security Order

5 Jun 2024, 13:15
1h 30m
Exec 9, ICC

Exec 9, ICC

European Security Working Group


The Russian invasion of Ukraine is widely viewed as an era-changing event, likely to shape Europe for years, perhaps decades, to come. Yet, how exactly has the war re-shaped Europe and what remains contingent on the still highly uncertain outcome of the Ukraine war? This round-table will use the concept of a European regional security order to address these questions, exploring what different elements of the European security order looked like before 24th February 2022, developments since then and future scenarios. Contributions to the round-table will address: NATO's evolution, Russia's place in Europe's security order, the EU's response to the Ukraine war, EU-NATO relations and transatlantic relations in the context of the Ukraine war. The round-table will draw on contributions to a forthcoming special issue of the journal Defence Studies.

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