4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Pandemic Governance and the State – Local approaches at a time of emergency

5 Jun 2024, 10:45
1h 30m
Mary Sturge, The Exchange

Mary Sturge, The Exchange

Global Health Working Group


The Coronavirus pandemic was a challenge for governance both on the global and on the local level. As the outbreak unfolded, each country had to find its own balance and priorities in translating international guidance and different approaches into a functioning regime on the ground. The resulting pandemic regimes took often similar but at times radically different shapes, depending on the locality. This panel brings together different studies of local approaches to the pandemic, emphasising important facets of governance in each case. Ranging from a detailed discussion of China’s distinct set of rules, to questions of the role of the state and the bioeconomy within this translational effort, the panel asks urgent questions that need to be investigated more closely in the wake of this crisis: how does the local context mediate between state-level priorities and the necessarily local demands of everyday life at a time of profound upheaval?

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