The policing of minoritised communities has recently attracted increased attention in academic and policy circles as well as amongst advocates for refugees rights, civic rights, antiracism and freedom of religion and belief. In the UK, there is now substantial scholarship on the policing of minorities and the racialised securitised experiences of racial, ethnic and religious minorities, including notably Muslims. However, there is little comparative research on the policing of groups that are minoritised based on religion, race, ethnicity or refugee status in the global ‘North’ and ‘South’. Encouraging comparative, decolonial, and intersectional approaches, this roundtable examines the following questions:
What does the existing scholarship tell us about how religiously, racially, and ethnically minoritised groups experience policing in diverse contexts? What are emerging issues and under-researched aspects?
How do experiences with policing authorities change following migration? How does citizenship status (or lack thereof) exacerbate existing vulnerabilities of marginalised groups across cultural and political contexts?
How can evidence on these questions be co-produced with members of minoritised groups in fair, equitable, collaborative and participatory ways that challenge conventional methods of knowledge production?
The roundtable brings together researchers and practitioners who have worked on these questions in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.