4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Sexual violence in military institutions

5 Jun 2024, 09:00
1h 30m
Exec 9, ICC

Exec 9, ICC

Critical Military Studies Working Group


Despite repeated claims by military institutions that they adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach, sexual violence within these organisations remains a serious and pervasive problem. This panel engages with the perennial issue of military sexual violence from a range of perspectives. Some of the papers engage with institutional responses to sexual violence within military ranks, exploring the workings of the British Service Justice System as well as how the British military has attempted to reform its procedures. Others explore military sexual violence specifically in relation to peacekeepers, paying attention to how gendered dynamics within peacekeeping operations underpin the continuation of this form of sexual exploitation and abuse. Finally, the panel also looks at the politics of how military sexual violence is storied in public narratives, paying specific attention to its depoliticization.

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