As we learn more about the ecological, climatic, and epidemiological effects of war, papers in this session will consider ways of building knowledge of war from the perspective of the Earth and the life it sustains. How does war look from the perspective of the Earth? Why build such perspectives? And how (empirically) can we do so? Contributions are thus invited that build around current work in international relations and cognate fields on, for example, the carbon costs of war logistics (Belcher et al. 2020; Crawford 2022); the toxic emissions of military disposal practices (Rubaii 2022); collaborations and tensions between conservation actors and military training grounds and bases (Ware 2022); the acceleration of mineral extraction in an era of technologically advanced weaponry (Griffiths & Rubaii, forthcoming); the long-term health effects of living in post-war landscapes for human (Griffiths 2022; Nixon 2011; Leep 2022) and non-human (Pugliese 2020) populations. Through this recent work, war appears in new spatial and temporal terms, it extends beyond the declaration of “operations” into an environmental aftermath, and often also into a “beforemath” of mining, manufacturing, and transportation.