4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Knowledge production before and after the Troubles

5 Jun 2024, 13:15
1h 30m
Room 101, Library

Room 101, Library

War Studies Working Group


The 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement and the ongoing ramifications of Brexit have led to a re-examining of the legacies of the Troubles and of contemporary cross-border and European geopolitical narratives. What is less known is how these complex and nuanced narratives interact over time and across political divides. This panel seeks to explore how the production of knowledge during and since the Troubles is influencing everyday contemporary politics in Northern Ireland. It brings together scholars whose work explores the effects of Brexit on cross-border political relations; the role of the Northern Ireland Office in the peace process; the IRA’s role in Republican strategy from 1969 to 2005; the changing role of Anglo-Irish networks in the run up to the peace process; and, memorialisation and criticality in the context of British servicewomen’s labour during the Troubles. In bringing into dialogue this scholarship, the panel will open up space to identify interactions in the construction of contemporary narratives that will forge new insights into the legacies of the Troubles.

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