4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Latin American IR in the UK

5 Jun 2024, 10:45
1h 30m
Boardroom, The Exchange

Boardroom, The Exchange

Orphan Papers track


IR scholarship in the UK has traditionally paid scant attention to Latin America, but an emerging literature from scholars located in UK academic centres has shown the richness that this region presents for IR theoretical and methodological elaboration. This roundtable focuses on recent contributions that UK-based IR scholars with a Latin American focus have made to the development of several subfields within IR. The participants will discuss their contributions to international political economy, security studies, foreign policy analysis, and international organisations, and how future research can build on Latin American insights, to advance this and other subfields. Participants will also reflect on periods of history that have remained unexplored, data that remains untapped, and new methodologies, theories, and agendas that helped bring Latin America to the forefront of IR.

Presentation materials

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