4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Technology, Climate and Insecurity in the Transformations of International Order

5 Jun 2024, 09:00
1h 30m
Exec 5, ICC

Exec 5, ICC

Environment Working Group


In an international political context where solutions and quick fixes to the multiple intersecting crises of the Anthropocene are, on the part of the powerful, framed predominantly in technological terms, scholars across a range of disciplines have increasingly turned to charting the role of technologies in the making and governance of international order. Taking inspiration from, among others, science and technology studies and environmental history, such accounts can potentially tell us a great deal about the intersection of technological change and relations of power, as well as how asymmetries in the making and modification of planetary ecosystems have transformed our understandings of global interdependence. This panel seeks to build on such accounts, and critiques of, the world-making capacity of technological change by foregrounding its distinctly international dimensions, and particularly the consequences of a transforming international political landscape for the emergence of, among others, new globalities, global governance objects, and insecurities. Moreover, it attempts to bring this approach into dialogue with, but also to reach more broadly than, a principle concern with climate change to explore how the discovery, invention and emergence of a global climate was both constituted by, and reflected upon, these international shifts.

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