This panel brings together contributions that explore various dimensions of conflicts over statehood, be it secession, more intra- or inter- state conflict, in the broader region of Europe, and which fundamentally contest the concepts of the state, territory and people. In this way and echoing the Conference’s title, the panel asks ‘whose state’ policy makers, researchers and everyday people talk about and inter alia explores: how sub-ethnic groups within a state impact and are impacted by conflict (e.g. in Georgia or Bosnia)? How is knowledge about conflict produced and how can we challenge more top-down (mis)readings of conflict, such as of Ukraine, and how can we improve analytical, and consequently policy, pitfalls in conflict management? The panel includes in-depth single case studies on a diverse themes and regions as well as more cross-case comparative analyses, by researchers from a range of seniority levels and institutional and regional affiliations, including conflict-affected areas. By doing so, the panel also responds to the Conference’s call for diversifying our academic scholarship.