BISA 2025 virtual conference - Global political imaginations: towards a more inclusive world


Welcome to the event management area for our inaugural virtual conference -#VirtualBISA2025. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions. Please note that only BISA working groups are invited to submit panels/roundtables, but abstract submissions are open to all.

3-day ticket
    • 1
      Panel / Conflict, justice, and reconciliation
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Hanna Ketola (Newcastle University)
      • Recipients, Activists, Experts: Discourses of Queer Inclusion and Ownership in Transitional Justice
        Author: Caitlin Biddolph (University of New South Wales (UNSW))
      • Reimagining Transitional Justice through Cinema: The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin (2019) and Camptown Women in Postcolonial South Korea
        Author: Haneol Mun (Master of International Relations, Australian National University)
      • Truth Commission of the Sámi Experiences in Finland: Reckoning with Exclusion, Imagining Inclusion
        Author: Anna Katila
      • Epistemic justice and the Avoidance of War - The International Order as Epistemic Framework
        Author: Ernesto Kettner (University of Münster, Department of Philosophy)
      • What do we do with the voices of the perpetrators? An approach to the narratives on the Colombian armed conflict
        Author: Irene Piedrahita (University of Glasgow)
    • 2
      Panel / Global structures of precarity and vulnerability
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Helen Turton (University of Sheffield)
      • The haunted and the hunted: young, male, mobile - Are young men protectable?
        Authors: Lucy Hovil (independent)* , Christina Oelgemoller (Loughborough University)
      • Moving Towards a Non-Productivist Society: Exploring the Insights of Gig Economy Workers Subjected to Structural Disablement
        Author: Ioana Cerasella Chis (University of Birmingham)
      • Negotiating Inclusion: Civil Society Advocacy and Evolution of the Roma Movement
        Author: RIDDHI SANYAL (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Decent work for undignified wages? The importance of local politics on social upgrading
        Author: Emese Dobos (junior research fellow, HUN-REN CERS IWE)
      • Colonial Wastelands: Imperial Governance in the Migrant Agriculture Workers Regime
        Author: Erica Consterdine (Lancaster University)
    • 3
      Panel / Inequality and power in Indian politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Kirti Singh (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • How Powerful are the Courts? A Study of Judicial Autonomy in India (2014-2022)
        Author: Swarati Sabhapandit (Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University)
      • Of Rubble, Ruins and Razing: Choreographing the Destruction by Bulldozer Demolitions
        Author: Ananya Sharma (ASHOKA UNIVERSITY)
      • Financialisation of caste in India: an intersectional approach to financialisation of poverty
        Author: Ujan Natik (University of Manchester)
      • Propagandist Film Making and the Myth Making Exercises of the Hindutva State
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 4
      Panel / Legitimising and delegitimising violence
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Stefanie Kappler (Durham University)
      • Attributing Resilience, Legitimating Domination: From Slaves to Refugees
        Author: Luke Glanville (Australian National University)
      • Legitimation Practices in the United Nations Security Council
        Author: Jess Gifkins (University of Manchester)
      • “Legal, humane, aggressive”: allegations, acknowledgements, and denials in official discourse before Abu Ghraib
        Author: Lisa Stampnitzky (University of Sheffield)
      • Questioning the Warist Orthodoxy: Pacifist Critical Reflections on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
        Author: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (Loughborough University)
      • Bombing Brigands and Rebels
        Author: Elisabeth Schweiger (University of Stirling)
    • 5
      Panel / Theorising world order
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Mate Szalai (Ca Foscari University)
      • Platform or Sovereign: Reconceptualizing Institutions of Global Governance
        Author: Sami Farhad (Zhejiang University)
      • Anarchic World Order: Theorizing Future World Politics Through Historical Context
        Author: Pranjal Kuli (North-Eastern Hill University)
      • How individuals relate to international society: imaginations about the Other and how it results in "reality"
        Author: Ryoichi Watanabe (University of Tsukuba)
      • Explaining states’ cooperation through international regimes with other states while preparing for conflict
        Authors: Perri 6 (Queen Mary University of London) , Eva Heims
      • The Problem of Ontological Pluralism in the English School: Neoevolutionism as a Solution
        Author: Mateusz Ambrożek (Vistula University, Warsaw)
    • 6
      Panel / Gender and conflict
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Irene Piedrahita (University of Glasgow)
      • ‘Like flesh and a nail’: Rethinking the Nexus of Familial Ties and Armed Conflict
        Authors: Maria O'Reilly (Leeds Beckett University) , Hanna Ketola (Newcastle University)*
      • It’s all in the Family: Gender, the Everyday, and Canadian Defence Policy
        Author: Leigh Spanner (Saint Mary's University)
      • Jineolojî and Women’s Protection Units (YPJ): a cartography on the resistance of the Kurdish Women’s Movement to femicide and ecocide
        Author: Leticia Gimenez (master's degree student at San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP))
      • Reimagining ‘Negotiation’: Locating ‘Security’ in Afghan Women’s Narratives
        Author: Debangana Chatterjee (National Law School of India University (NLSIU))
      • Gender Representation in Military Recruitment: A Comparative Analysis of German and U.S. Social Media Videos
        Author: Laura Homann (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
    • 7
      Panel / Global health politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more cooperative world: North, South, and beyond
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: João Terrenas (ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon and University of Beira Interior)
      • Is There a New 'Right to International Solidarity' in post-COVID International Society?
        Author: Ipek Ruacan
      • Putting Solidarity Projects in Context: Analyzing Cohesion in Pandemic Policies in CELAC and SAARC
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Protection for whom and from what? A care ethics approach to the role of protective clothing in pandemic times
        Authors: Katharina Krause , Katharina Wezel
      • Federalism in Times of COVID-19: An Analysis of the Paradiplomatic Actions of Brazilian Governors from 2019 to 2021
        Author: Debora Figueiredo M Prado (Federal University of Uberlandia)
      • Inequality and Exclusion : Addressing Global Health Disparities
        Author: Kividi Koralage
    • 8
      Panel / The future of weapons, technologies and battlegrounds
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Nick Caddick (ARU)
      • Towards Global Zero: Brazil’s distinct role in the quest for a world free from nuclear weapons
        Author: Geórgia Albuquerque (UnB)
      • Imagining the Future Sky: Drone Technology and Power Dynamics in Contemporary Turkey
        Author: Zeynep Şartepe (Doctoral Researcher)
      • Outer Space: An Emerging Battleground?
        Author: AKANKSHA KALYAN (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • "The Future of Artificial Intelligence in International Relations: Implications for Peace, Conflict and Security"
        Author: Sara Torabian (PHD student of Islamic University of Tehran Center)
    • 9
      Panel / Theorising global power
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Jales Caur (University of Brasília)
      • Power Transition Theory and its limitation in analyzing China’s rise as a dominant power
        Author: Jacy Magalhães (Universidade de Brasília - UnB)
        Author: Nia Deliana (International Islamic University of Indonesia)
      • When Agency Trumps Structure: Modern Problems and Historical Lessons from the UK to the US.
        Author: Oksana Levkovych (London School of Economics and Political Science)
      • Trust In Who? You?: Arafat, Rabin and the 1993-1994 Oslo and Cairo Agreements
        Authors: Nicholas Wheeler (University of Birmingham)* , David Wilcox (n/a) , Asaf Siniver (University of Birmingham)*
      • International Hypocrisy: The Case of US Foreign Policy
        Author: Michelle Bentley (Royal Holloway, University of London)
    • 10
      / Plenary Roundtable. Global IR: Reflections on the discipline
    • 11
      Panel / Accountability, Inclusivity and Sustainable Futures
      Sponsor: Towards a more sustainable world: Environmental degradation, development and responsibility
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: David Duriesmith (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield)
      • Advancing Inclusivity in Global Mineral Trade: The Role of Sustainable Practices and Technological Innovations in Quantifying Minerals in the Global South
        Author: Sandy Minkah Kyei (University of Portsmouth)
      • Accountability and Legitimacy in Corporate Environmental Governance: A Critical Examination of Transnational Initiatives
        Author: Johnny Kallay (Universidade de São Paulo)
      • Governance and Dichotomies: Comparing Mineral Value Chains in India
        Author: Vidushi Bahuguna
      • Super-Networks in International Politics: The Right to a Healthy Environment Coalition
        Author: Andrea Schapper (University of Stirling)
    • 12
      Panel / Decolonising International Studies teaching
      Sponsor: Reflexivity and innovative practice in teaching and pedagogy
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Baris Celik (University of Sheffield)
      • Decolonizing Knowledge: Embracing Diverse Epistemologies Beyond Eurocentrism in International Relations' field
        Author: Camila Santos Andrade (UFPB/University of Johannesburg)
      • Decolonising Higher Education: Professional Practice and HE Imaginaries
        Author: Perla Polanco Leal (The University of Manchester)
      • Global Palestine and the Politics of Solidarity: Decolonial Pedagogy and Praxis
        Authors: Amelia Caldecott , Aneta Brockhill (University of Exeter)
      • “Vou aprender a ler para ensinar meus camaradas”: translating texts on race, racism and IR as a practice of intellectual emancipation in Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
        Authors: Vinícius Venancio , Jhader Cerqueira do Carmo
    • 13
      Panel / Governance, actors and discourses on borders and mobility
      Sponsor: Towards a more connected word: borders, mobility and technology
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Maria Eduarda Diniz (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
      • The role of the immigration agenda for the far right: a case study of Donald Trump’s Populist Radical Right government (2017-2020)
        Author: Andressa Gabrielly de Lacerda Mendes (Interinstitutional Graduate Program in International Relations San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, UNICAMP, PUC-SP))
      • Recognising Refugees in Brazil: The Political Use of the `Severe and Generalised Violation of Human Rights` Recognition Criterion
        Author: Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli (University of Sheffield)
      • The Response for Venezuelans Platform (R4V): A new development of a regional perspective on migration governance or business as usual? Notes on norm diffusion and financial donors
        Author: Matheus Felten Fröhlich (University of Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES)
      • Bordering during health emergencies: Looking beyond the state
        Author: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
    • 14
      Panel / Theorising realism for the 21st century
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Liam Stanley
      • Imagining national interest for a plural world
        Author: Leon Sosnowski (King’s College London)
      • Future-Proofing Realism - How Ontological Security can Expand Realism's Explanatory Scope
        Author: Ernesto Kettner (University of Münster, Department of Philosophy)
      • A mechanic world: the impact of the Newtonian philosophy on the Realist theory of International Relations
        Author: Jales Caur (University of Brasília)
      • Understanding the Impact of Sanctions on Iran’s Military power
        Author: Zeinab Nikookar (Master’s student at The Aga Khan University (Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, UK))
    • 15
      Panel / Business and finance in the global economy
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Ben Clift (University of Warwick)
      • Rethininking the relationship between states and financialisation: A state transformation approach
        Author: Teck Chi Wong
      • Passive in Name Only? The Deployment of Democratisation and Disintermediation as Legitimising Narratives for Passive Asset Managers
        Author: Dan Wood (University of Warwick)
      • Falling Off the Map: Tracing Uncharted Financialization in Iran
        Author: Ida Nikou (SUNY SBU)
        Author: Maria Sol Parrales (King's College London)
    • 16
      Panel / Global Climate Politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more sustainable world: Environmental degradation, development and responsibility
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Rosaleen Duffy (University of Sheffield)
      • Political economy of climate finance under the Paris Agreement
        Author: Abdulrasheed Isah (ETH Zurich)
      • Vulnerable research: climate politics, reflexivity and decolonisation
        Author: Charlotte Weatherill (Open University)
      • The Agropolis: Mapping a blueprint for climate-resilient agri-urban development
        Author: Alison Hulme (University of Northampton, Centre for Global Economic and Social Development)
      • Inclusive and Sustainable Climate Change Governance: Gender Perspectives
        Author: Harini T R (Loyola College)
    • 17
      Panel / Pop culture, social media, and world politics
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Seongwon Yoon (Hanyang University)
      • Memefication of Politics: The 'troll army' and Rise of Hindu Nationalism
        Author: Ananya Sharma (ASHOKA UNIVERSITY)
      • TikTok Tradwives: Femininity, Reproduction, and Social Media in the Settler-Colony
        Authors: Lindsay Day (The University of Sydney) , Kate Scott (University of Sydney)
      • The Hegemony of Islamism and Anti-Secularism in Turkish TV Series
        Author: Caglar Ezikoglu (University of Birmingham)
      • The Militarisation of Culture and Cultural Production: Susan Strange, Stuart Hall, and a Review of the Knowledge Structure
        Author: Conwright Jamal Simon (University of Sheffield)
      • Using ‘netnography’ to find everyday conceptions of ‘the economy’
        Author: Jessica Underwood (University of Warwick)
    • 18
      Panel / Power, technology and the international
      Sponsor: Towards a more connected word: borders, mobility and technology
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      • Narrative-Practice Interplay in The Integration of Technologies in Public Spaces and The Consequences for Digital Security
        Author: Rebecca Hartley (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • Digital Borders and Collective Memory: Social Media's Role in Shaping Historical Narratives in India
        Author: Kirti Singh (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Blockchain Technology and Cross-Border Transactions in Africa
        Author: Abdulbasit Imam (Kwara State University, Malete)
      • A Conceptual Framework to Classify the Extent of Co-existence Between Digital Authoritarianism and Digital Democracy within Political Regimes
        Author: sahngmin shin
      • Challenges of Hate Speech in the AI Era
        Author: Rebeca Rabêlo (Universidade Estadual da Paraíba)
    • 19
      Roundtable / Imagining A More Inclusive Security Agenda
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Chair: Elisabeth Schweiger (University of Stirling)
      Participants: Harmonie Toros (University of Reading) , Laura Aumeer (Conciliation Resources) , Toni Haastrup (University of Manchester) , Enyseh Teimory (United Nations Association UK)
    • 20
      Panel / Economic cooperation, supply chains, and security
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Sara Torabian (Student)
      • Securitized Interdependence: The Rise of Geoeconomic Alliances in Global Supply Chains
        Author: Zhou LIAO (Samsung Global Research China)
      • The impact of Russian-Ukrainian War on the Black Sea Economic Cooperation: Adapting Economic Cooperation to Security Challenges
        Author: PINAR AKGÜL
      • The vulnerability of the Geopolitical Union: Regulatory mercantilism, cybersecurity and the security of semiconductor supply chains
        Authors: Ben Farrand (Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University) , Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      • Bridging Innovation and Infrastructure, or Not: Chinese Investments in Israel's High-Tech Sector and Complementarity with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
        Author: Sinan Haskan
      • Taiwanese Semiconductors: A "Shield" for Taiwan and a Strategic Asset in the Sino-American Rivalry
        Authors: Jacy Magalhães (Universidade de Brasília - UnB) , Pamella Simão
    • 21
      Panel / Power, control and piracy: sea and space
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Baris Celik (University of Sheffield)
      • Countering Conflict, insecurity & Vulnerability: The Role of the (Indian) Navy in the Red Sea
        Author: Anuttama Banerji (National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi)
      • There is no Space Court, right?: Learning from climate change litigation and the South China Sea arbitration in creating a more inclusive space governance
        Author: Marjan Ajevski (Open University Law School)
      • Low tides in international security: The pirate framing and the challenge concerning maritime piracy
        Author: Thiago Thierry (IRI/PUC-Rio)
      • Outer Space: The Definition of a Space Pirate
        Author: Fiona Naysmith (Open University (FBL))
      • What are the building blocks of global naval power projection?
        Author: Jon Dannemann (University of Sheffield)
    • 22
      Panel / Theoretical innovations in International Relations
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Giorgio Shani (International Christian University)
      • The discursive tradition of Political Islam: notes on media construction of an Islamist ethos in Tunisia
        Author: Leonardo Pagano Landucci (Master's student)
      • Futures in Dispute: Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Latin America
        Author: Jonathan de Assis (Institute of Public Policy and International Relations (IPPRI-Unesp))
      • Imaginative ruptures in the coloniality of time: Tanya Tagaq’s 'Retribution' and the continuum of colonial violence
        Author: Christopher McAteer (York University, Toronto (PhD student))
      • Causal Criteria in International Relations Research
        Authors: Joseph O'Mahoney (University of Reading) , Adam Humphreys (University of Reading)
      • Towards an Inclusive Cosmos: Decolonial Critique of ‘Survival Imperative’ in Space Exploration
        Author: Bhargavi PBA (University of Delhi)
    • 23
      Panel / Transforming peacekeeping and peacebuilding: Gendered and decolonial perspectives
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      • More women in peacekeeping: Path to combating sexual abuse and exploitation?
        Author: Nicole Fankhauser
      • Hamas, Terrorism, and the Question of Palestine
        Author: Gabriel Brasilino (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
      • Decolonising Peace(building) Interventions: Entreaties, Apathy and Despair
        Author: Babatunde Obamamoye (Australian National University)
      • Unveiling Gender in UN Peacekeeping: An Analysis of the Brahimi Report (2000)
        Author: Raquel Losekann (Estudante)
      • What does WPS means for the Balkans? An analysis on the implementation of the WPS Agenda in post-conflict arrangements
        Author: Maria Eduarda Diniz (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
    • 24
      Panel / Whiteness and Western dominance in knowledge production: Perspectives from the South
      Sponsor: Towards a more cooperative world: North, South, and beyond
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Amya Agarwal (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg)
      • The role of whiteness in the construction of the Other and the Self in International Relations
        Author: Carolina Antunes Condé de Lima
      • Reclaiming Economic Sovereignty: The Anti-Colonial Roots of Indonesian Political Economic Thought
        Authors: Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad (Universitas Indonesia)* , Lena Rethel* , Poppy Winanti (Universitas Gajah Mada)* , Moch Faisal Karim (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia)
      • Rethinking ‘Peace’: “Strategic Depth” Doctrine in Turkish Foreign policy Discourse
        Author: AIMAN UROOJ (Department of Political Science, University of Delhi)
      • Contesting the territorial sovereignty of ‘imagined’ Khalistan: Analysis of ‘Panth’, ‘Granth’, and Sikh Sovereignty.
        Author: Mohit Sharma (South Asian University, New Delhi)
      • Securitizing Climate Change: Global North Knowledge Production and Its Implications for the Global South
        Author: Varun Mohan (National Institute of Advanced Studies)
    • 25
      Panel / Power and authority in the global economy
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Perla Polanco Leal (The University of Manchester)
      • From a Monolithic to a Flexible Creed: Fed's Reactions to the Great Depression and the Great Recession
        Author: Maria Clara Togeiro (Ph.D student in Economics at the State University of Campinas/Sao Paulo, Brazil)
      • Turning Points in the Global Political Economy through the Liz Truss Interlude
        Author: Dillon Wamsley (University of Sheffield)
      • From e-CNY to BritCoin: Assessing the Global Power Dynamics of Central Bank Digital Currencies
        Author: Thais Araripe (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
      • Capital "Flows/Mobility" as a Misleading Metaphor
        Author: Oleksandr Valchyshen (UMKC)
      • The role of the Bank for International Settlements in the Global Financial Architecture: the socialisation of peripheral countries
        Author: Pelin Akkaya Yerli
    • 26
      Panel / Sustainability, Development and Capital
      Sponsor: Towards a more sustainable world: Environmental degradation, development and responsibility
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Mohit Sharma (South Asian University, New Delhi)
      • The Role of Gender Norms in Climate Change Resilience – Variegated Social Reproduction Solutions During Drought in Rural Zimbabwe
        Author: Susanne Kozak (Monash University)
        Author: Natalia Piskunova (Moscow State University)
      • Latent SDGs in EU Global Gateway Strategy
        Authors: Pierre Mazzega (LISST, CNRS / University of Toulouse II, Toulouse, France) , Rugmini Devi (Department of Political Science, University of Kerala)* , Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau*
      • The Guarantor State: Theorizing state-capital relations in Indian infrastructure finance
        Author: Manasi Karthik
    • 27
      Panel / The global politics of Britain
      Sponsor: Towards a more connected word: borders, mobility and technology
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli (University of Sheffield)
      • Beyond Diversity and World Inclusion Politics: Shifting from Quantitative to Qualitative Representation in Global Politics
        Author: Aboabea Akuffo (Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, UK)
      • An Unexpected Success Story: Brexit Negotiations in the field of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
        Authors: Benjamin Martill (University of Edinburgh) , Monika Brusenbauch Meislová (Masaryk University) , Helena Farrand Carrapico (Northumbria University)
      • How is race implicated in the Grenfell Tower fire? Race and housing in post-empire austerity Britain.
        Authors: Maryam Nahhal (Johns Hopkins University) , Maryam Nahhal (Johns Hopkins University)*
      • The Making of Neoliberal Families: Social Conservatism and the Privatisation of Housing
        Author: kate cherry (Kate Cherry)
    • 28
      Panel / Transnational actors and global governance
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Malte Riemann (Leiden University)
      • Marginalized Elites and Narratives of (In)Justice in the WTO: Feminist-Informed Multi-Sited Ethnographic Insights
        Author: LISA SAMUEL (Florida International University)
      • We can only support, grudgingly’: US foreign policy, Cold War politics, and the negotiations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at the United Nations
        Author: Natali Cinelli Moreira (University of Sao Paulo + King's College London)
      • The Worth of Nations: The Historical Construction of Market Economies
        Author: Alice Chessé (McGill University)
      • Foreign Private Lobbying as A Multitasked Mission
        Author: Yue Lin (University of California, Berkeley)
      • The IMF’s Climate Change Policy Trilemma: Unecological Assumptions and Technocratic Climate Governance
        Author: Ben Clift (University of Warwick)
    • 29
      Panel / Caste, religion, and identity in Indian politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more a just world: inequality and exclusion
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Ujan Natik (University of Manchester)
      • Reading the Visible Invisibility of Caste in South Asian Electoral Politics- The Case of 2024 Indian Loksabha Elections
        Author: Ashna K Asok (Christ College (Autonomous) , University of Calicut)
      • Caste and Cyberspace: Towards an Anti-Casteist approach to Cyberspace
        Author: ANUBHA GUPTA (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi)
      • Transnational Ties: The Cultural and Political Influence of the Indian Diaspora on UK-India Relations
        Author: Madhurima Pramanik (Research Scholar)
      • Performativity of Islamic Veiling: Mapping Hijabophobia, and Locating the ‘Secular’ in Post-colonial India
        Author: Debangana Chatterjee (National Law School of India University (NLSIU))
    • 30
      Panel / China, power, and geopolitics
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Jessica Ré Phillips (SOAS, University of London)
      • Power politics and international law in the asymmetric-balancing interactions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea in the twenty-first century: theories and practices
        Author: Yue Liu (University of Edinburgh)
      • China’s Diaspora policy in Italy: Democratization, Autocratization, and social justice
        Author: Nannan Li (Durham University)
      • Understanding India's and Japan's responses to China-US competition: Network choices and state transformation
        Author: Aaron Magunna (University of Queensland)
      • Labour Migration as a Challenge to State-Centric Foreign Policy Discourse
        Author: Ratih Kabinawa (The University of Western Australia)
      • US Foreign Policy and Cross-Strait (In)stability: Insights from Complexity Theory
        Author: Tiago Luís Carvalho (Portuguese Air Force Academy Research Center and Orient Institute)
    • 31
      Panel / Dialogues in non-Western IR
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Liam Stanley
      • De-essentialising “Strategic Essentialism” in Post-Colonial Discourse: A case of Turkiye
        Author: AIMAN UROOJ (Department of Political Science, University of Delhi)
      • From a Global to a Pluriversal IR? IR as inter-cosmological relations
        Author: Giorgio Shani (International Christian University)
      • Reconnecting 'Nature' and 'Society' through Cosmologies: Towards a Pluriversal IR of Normative Dialogues across Universes
        Author: Quang Dũng Phạm (International Christian University)
      • Finding Agency in Active-Non-Alignment: Latin American Regional Solidarities in the Aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Swatantra Party Leaders' Mid-Century World-Ordering Visions: 'One World', Nuclear Ban, and Liberal Internationalism in the Cold War
        Author: Sanjeet Kashyap (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
    • 32
      Panel / International Politics Beyond Anthropocentrism
      Sponsor: Towards a more sustainable world: Environmental degradation, development and responsibility
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: David Duriesmith (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield)
      • Carceral Waters: Greenwashing the Historical Violence of Hydropower in the United States
        Author: Bennett Collins (University of Aberdeen)
      • Transforming security for planetary politics: lessons from the Amazon
        Authors: Joana Castro Pereira (University of Porto) , Inês Ferreira de Sousa (NOVA University of Lisbon)* , João Terrenas (ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon and University of Beira Interior)*
      • Animals in IR: Governing the Flyways through animal cultures
        Authors: Rosaleen Duffy (University of Sheffield) , Teresa Lappe-Osthege (Risk Policy Analysts)
      • Transforming our world? Strengthening animal rights and animal welfare at the United Nations
        Authors: Andrea Schapper (University of Stirling) , Cebuan Bliss (Radboud Universiteit)*
      • How nature produces sovereignty: More-than-human entanglement and beyond
        Author: Ebony Young (University of Glasgow)
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      Panel / Constructing world politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Jess Gifkins (The University of Technology Sydney)
      • Towards a narrative alliance? Russia’s and China’s Visions of a Better World Order.
        Author: Intigam Mamedov (Postdoctoral researcher, Northumbria University)
      • ‘Islamic State’ in Chinese State News Media: Reporting Terrorism within a Communist Regime
        Author: Qiang Zhang (University of Sheffield)
      • The Different Face of Populism in Armenian Politics: Nikol Pashinyan
        Author: Caglar Ezikoglu (University of Birmingham)
      • Homeland (In)Security and the Racialisation of the Arab in America
        Authors: Maryam Nahhal (Johns Hopkins University) , Maryam Nahhal (Johns Hopkins University)*
      • Geocultural imaginaries and foreign policy in post-2018 Ethiopia
        Author: Katharina Newbery (Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa University)
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      Panel / Perspectives on foreign policy and diplomacy
      Sponsor: Towards a more cooperative world: North, South, and beyond
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Amya Agarwal (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg)
      • Populism, Leadership and Institutional Pathways: Analysing Claims of Changes in Indian and Brazilian Foreign Policy-Making in the Contemporary Era
        Author: Devika Misra (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
      • Crisis and Reconfiguration: The Impact of Sino-US Tensions on South America (2000-2020)
        Author: Filipe mendonça (Federal University of Uberlandia)
      • Whose feminisms? Producing German Feminist Foreign Policy at the intersection of civil society and diplomacy
        Author: Karoline Färber (King’s College London)
      • Analysis of Paradiplomatic Practices: A Study of Subnational Actors in Brazil
        Author: Debora Figueiredo M Prado (Federal University of Uberlandia)
      • Between geopolitics and pragmatism: Turkey, China and Kurdish people
        Authors: Edoardo Lavezzo (University of York) , Baris Celik (University of Sheffield)
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      Panel / Teaching International Studies differently: games, visuals and beyond
      Sponsor: Reflexivity and innovative practice in teaching and pedagogy
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Patricia Nabuco Martuscelli (University of Sheffield)
      • Teaching International Relations in Eurasian context: experience of introducing gamification into classes in Armenia, Tajikistan and Russia in 2018 – 2022
        Author: Natalia Piskunova (Moscow State University)
      • Research observatories: creating spaces for an engaged and affective pedagogy of autonomy
        Author: Tatiana Teixeira (INCT-INEU/OPEU)
      • Extended security imaginations: Virtual Reality in International Relations
        Author: Seongwon Yoon (Hanyang University)
      • Visual Writing - Advanced visual skills as transferable pedagogy
        Author: Yoav Galai (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • Reimagining Security Studies Education: A Non-Compartmentalized Pedagogical Approach
        Authors: Norma Rossi (University of St. Andrews) , Malte Riemann (Leiden University)
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      Panel / Violence, conflict, and culture
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Nick Caddick (ARU)
      • Art, Peace and the Curation of Entangled Histories of Violence
        Author: Stefanie Kappler (Durham University)
      • Lulled into Inaction: Understanding the Passivity of Russian Society During War
        Author: Olga Vlasova (King's College London)
      • Emotions and Knowledge Production in Conflicts: Applying a critical perspective
        Author: Sybille Reinke de Buitrago (IKriS & IFSH)
      • “It’s the slums in the global debate!”: the F20 project as an act of global political imagination
        Author: Raquel Santos (IRI/PUC-Rio)
      • Confrontation and Construction of Identities: Narratives of Palestinians and Israelis in the Conflict Scenario.
        Authors: Karina Stange Calandrin (Universidade de São Paulo/Universidade de Sorocaba) , Michel Gherman (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)*
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      / Plenary Roundtable. The rise of far right around the world
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      Panel / Comparative studies of world politics
      Sponsor: Theorising the past, present and future of world politics
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      • Comparing Economic Reality with Consumer Perception: Effect on Public Trust on Business/Government in the United States
        Author: Amogh Aryan (Texas Tech University)
      • What can Small State Studies tell us about protostates? The cases of the Palestinian Authority and Syrian Kurdistan
        Author: Mate Szalai (Ca Foscari University)
      • How to measure democracy in Latin America?
        Author: Andre Araujo (São Paulo State University)
      • European Populism: Anti-Globalization and Anti-War Discourses in the Context of the European Parliament Elections of June 9, 2024. Case Study: France, Italy, Poland, Romania
        Author: Stefan Marosan (Babeș-Bolyai University)
      • What Explains Equity-Enhancing Reforms Under Centre-Right Governments? Evidence From Brazil
        Author: Daniel Alves (King's College London)
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      Panel / Peace and conflict in world politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more secure world: conflict, insecurity and vulnerability
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Helen Turton (University of Sheffield)
      • Autonomous war, and the impending ontological upheaval
        Author: Mark Gilks (Independent)
      • Moving beyond R2P: Atrocity prevention as a field of practice but not (yet) a field of inquiry
        Author: Ben Willis (University of Plymouth)
      • Children and Other Forms of Violence: a comparative analysis of children involved in organized crime and armed groups in the Americas
        Author: Júlia Henrique Lira (Post-Graduate International Relations Programme ‘San Tiago Dantas’ (UNESP/UNICAMP/PUCSP))
      • Naming and Overcoming Violent and Statist Reflexes: An Anarcho-pacifist Contribution to Critical Terrorism Studies
        Author: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (Loughborough University)
      • Politics of Making EU Energy Sanctions for Russian Full-Scale Invasion to Ukraine: Structure Defines Agency?
        Author: Ihor Moshenets (Central European University)
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      Panel / Power, development, and world politics
      Sponsor: Towards a more cooperative world: North, South, and beyond
      Convener: Simon Rushton (University of Sheffield)
      Chair: Matheus Felten Fröhlich (University of Vale do Taquari - UNIVATES)
      • The expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) around the world and the inclusion of American countries
        Author: Vitor dos Santos Bueno (Universidade De Brasília (UnB))
      • Corporate Financialization and Global Value Chains: Case Studies in Argentina
        Author: Ignacio Juncos (National University of Cordoba)
      • Country ownership in foreign aid beyond the aid negotiation stage: The use of donor- and recipient-based delivery channels in Aid for Trade
        Author: Andrea Gimeno Solaz (University of Edinburgh)
      • The "Global Gateway" initiative as an instrument of strategic autonomy of the European Union
        Author: Aleksandar Milosevic (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Science)
      • Ignoring inequality: Economists in the struggle for postcolonial development
        Author: Alice Chessé (McGill University)