Annual Workshop ‘Worlding from South East Europe, remaking International Relations’




The South East Europe (SEE) Working Group is pleased to announce the third annual 'Worlding from South East Europe, Remaking International Relations' workshop.  

Following our community's successful engagement over the last two workshops, the Working Group remains committed to strengthening further SEE critical scholarship by engaging researchers and creating space for insightful exchange. We are inspired by methodologically, conceptually, and topically innovative interventions that seek to rethink international relations in and from the SEE broadly understood.  

The third annual workshop will continue to build collaborative networks within and beyond the Working Group and the UK. It will focus on ideas and insights from nine scholars, divided into two panels: Place, Resistance, and World-making and ‘Europe’, Identities, and International Relations. The format will be based on presentations of extended abstracts, enabling discussion of research at different stages. 

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