We are pleased to introduce a webinar series that critically engages with the variegated pathways of financializationacross Latin America, shedding light on its interplay with state institutions, social relations, and everyday life. Drawing on in-depth analyses from regionally based scholars in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, these conversationswill probe how financial imperatives intersect with unique historical trajectories and socio-political configurations. Our goal is to enrich the North-South dialogue by foregrounding the lived realities of those navigating financialmarkets, highlighting the tensions and contradictions of local and global capital flows.
We invite scholars, practitioners, and students to join us in cultivating a more collaborative, critical, and empiricallygrounded understanding of financialization, one that attends to its disciplinary power, extractive tendencies, and transformative possibilities in Latin America’s evolving socio-economic landscapes.
We are pleased to open our webinar series with Dr Alan Cibils, who will offer a critical examination of Argentina’sexperience with subordinate financialization and its broader implications for the periphery. By focusing on Argentina’s specific historical and socio-political context, this session aims to illuminate how global financialimperatives intersect with local realities, institutions, and everyday life. Dr Cibils’s perspective invites us toreconsider the tensions and contradictions of financialization from within its concrete, lived forms, thus enrichingboth the empirical and theoretical dimensions of the debate.
Alan Cibils is a retired professor of Political Economy. Formerly he was Professor and Chair of the Political Economy Department at the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has researched and published on issues relating to monetary policy, public debt, and financialization in Argentina.
Registration will close two hours before the event begins