21–23 Jun 2021
Europe/London timezone

Understanding Impact in International Peace and Security

21 Jun 2021, 11:00
1h 30m
Room 4

Room 4

International Law and Politics Working Group


‘Impact’ has become a major and unmissable part of the research landscape. Worth 25% of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 evaluation for universities, it also presents a number of questions for practitioners with whom university researchers engage and who face requests to assist with gathering evidence and developing research engagement. The relationship between universities and the range of practitioners with whom they work (whether from the policy, creative and cultural, business, third or other sectors) is crucial to developing world class research and impact — 4* impact, in terms of the REF. At the boundaries of law and politics, there may be plentiful opportunities for research to benefit from engagement with practitioners and for research to make a difference. This roundtable creates a flexible and adaptable opportunity for university researchers and for practitioners to come together to explore where, how and why research at the nexus of international law and international politics have impact, including in light of, but far from limited to, REF2021. The proposed roundtable follows a highly successful workshop organised jointly by the British International Studies Association Working Group on International Law and Politics and by the School of Security Studies, King’s College London — and is open again to anything reflected on the spectrum from art to zoology, and is open to all ideas relating to relevant research impact.

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