21–23 Jun 2021
Europe/London timezone

International Relations, Securitisation and Muslim communities

23 Jun 2021, 16:00
1h 30m
Room 8

Room 8

Religion and International Studies (RAIS) Working Group


Following on from the theme of the BISA Conference questioning the future of International Studies, the Religion And International Studies working group (RAIS) at BISA is pleased to host a panel that looks at questions pertaining to how international studies and religion do impact upon each other. It is clear that religion is an important factor in understanding how events unfold in the world of International Studies, and no less so than in recent years. We run a great risk in failing to understand precisely how religion matters - and how, indeed, it does not, where it is used as an excuse to problematise religious communities. Our panel at BISA 2021 will include a variety of papers specifically aimed at religious communities, marginalisation, securitisation, and broadly the interchange between religion and international studies.”

Presentation materials

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