17–19 Jun 2020
Civic Centre
Europe/London timezone

Facing Human Interconnections 2020-2120

19 Jun 2020, 10:00
1h 30m
Sandhill Room

Sandhill Room

Roundtable International Relations as a Social Science Working Group


International Relations scholarship has been reflected on widely and deeply in the context of the (contested) 'centenary' of the field. Many shortcomings have been identified - from the lack of representation of many parts of the world to the lack of conceptual capacity in the field to grasp the complexity of the objects of study in this interdisciplinary field.

This roundtable features contributors to a project on the future of IR developed as part of centenary activities at the Aberystwyth University. The group represented here, and others, were asked to develop during 2019 contributions that reflect on some key empirical global challenges today (e.g. migration, climate, technological change, IoT, inequality) but to do so considering how such cross-disciplinary and complexly bound 'issues' can be thought through in the future of IR scholarship. The aim then has been to develop conceptual, methodological and political tools for rethinking the field as well as its empirical objects.

Key thematics that run through the contributions discussed within this group and to be discussed at this roundtable include reflections on: how to think on the future and multiple futurisms, the politics of the 'human' and the 'non-human', racism and decolonisation in the field, and future of governance in the field. The discussions at this proposed roundtable then contribute directly to the conference theme of the 2020 BISA conference.

This proposal is not directly bound to any one working group but can be considered to be relevant to many.

Presentation materials

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