17–19 Jun 2020
Civic Centre
Europe/London timezone

Teaching and (Un)learning Gender, War and Militarism

19 Jun 2020, 14:30
1h 30m
Council Chamber

Council Chamber

Roundtable Gendering International Relations Working Group


This roundtable thinks critically about the practices, pedagogies and spaces of teaching and (un)learning the interrelated concepts of gender, war and militarism. While feminist research has long drawn connections between these concepts, as well as drawing attention to their embeddedness and (re)production in the ‘everyday’, insights from critical race, critical disability and Indigenous scholars have revealed the potential limitations of this (feminist) theorising. Starting from our role as ‘teachers’ (broadly configured), on this roundtable we grapple with what is at stake in the teaching of these concepts. Some of the questions this roundtable will consider are: What needs to be (un)learnt in teaching gender, war and militarism? What does it mean to locate ourselves as ‘teachers’ or ‘knowers’ of these concepts? How do we engage students with the possibility of change or resistance? What would it mean to engage ethically with both whom we teach and whom we teach about? What scope is there for genuinely critical pedagogies within the confines of contemporary university model? Drawing on experiences from both within HE and wider learning environments, the conversation is intended as a forum to share challenges, frustrations, rewards and possibilities of feminist teaching and learning.

Presentation materials

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