17–19 Jun 2020
Civic Centre
Europe/London timezone

Refusing Redemption: failure, endurance and persistence

17 Jun 2020, 13:00
1h 30m
Pandon Room

Pandon Room

Panel Post-Structural Politics Working Group


This panel starts in the ruins: it acknowledges the current global forces of abandonment, exploitation and violence. However, instead of latching onto one of many crisis framings with ready-made normative resolutions, throwing up our hands in despair, or indulging in narcissistic self-loathing, we pursue a different trajectory. We aim to think and feel our way alongside current global catastrophes without an end goal of solution or redemption. In essence, we are fed, and we know we are fed: so what next? We look instead to communities that have long been surviving in conditions of ruin and abandonment, and find inspiration for how to live otherwise. This panel refuses the seductions of redemption and catharsis in favour of building global attachments (possibly solidarities?) that are characterised as much by contingency as they are by persistence and durability. Following recent arguments in Geography, Anthropology, Political Theory and Sociology, this panel confronts critical IR with new imaginaries of endurance, exhaustion, ongoingness and slow violence.

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