Jun 14 – 17, 2022
Europe/London timezone

Selective Reconstruction: Conceptualising (Re-)Engagement in the Post-Brexit UK-EU Security Relationship (Panel 1 of 2)

Jun 16, 2022, 3:00 PM
1h 30m
Stephenson, Civic Centre

Stephenson, Civic Centre

Panel European Security Working Group


With the entry into force of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) in January 2021, scholarly attention has turned to the dynamics that will govern the EU-UK relationship going forwards. Far from being a uniform process, the re-construction of the UK-EU relationship post-Brexit is characterised by a significant degree of variation across policy fields, in which both sides seek to engage in greater cooperation in some areas more than others, through more or less formalised mechanisms. This panel examines how distinct dynamics of engagement - focusing on disengagement, continued engagement and re-engagement - have developed in the context of the EU-UK security relationship, incorporating both internal security matters as well as the area of external relations and defence. It asks a number of questions, including: (1) How, and in what ways, will the UK continue to engage with the EU in the security domain post-Brexit? (2) How will the dynamics of engagement differ from those of accession, membership and/or withdrawal? (3) How can we understand theoretically and conceptually these examples of engagement? (4) What factors impinge on the ability and willingness of both sides to pursue engagement? (5) What is the contribution of the security policy field(s) to the study of UK-EU relations?

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