4–7 Jun 2024
Europe/London timezone

Whose Nuclear Governance? New(er) Trends of Interpretive Scholarship in Understanding Nuclear Governance II (Agency Dimensions)

7 Jun 2024, 13:15
1h 30m
Exec 10, ICC

Exec 10, ICC

Interpretivism in International Relations Working Group


Bringing together different interpretivist approaches to global nuclear governance, this panel highlights the importance of knowledge, discourse, and meaning for understanding contemporary nuclear politics. To what extent should interpreting nuclear orders focus, for instance, on normative or emotive abstractions, shared believes, ideas, or identities? What are the underlying ontological, epistemic, or methodological assumptions when studying nuclear orders? How important are discursive and material structures of power and hierarchy in global nuclear governance, and what is the role of agency and resistance? How can we interpret dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in international nuclear politics? Whose discourses of peaceful nuclear orders matter, and why?

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